(Total topics and replies per week)
(Average post size per week)
(Total chat lines per week)
(Past 72 hours of topics and replies; totals per hour)
(Past 72 hours of chat; chat line totals per hour)
(Totals and Percentages)
Average posts per week | 11 |
Average posts per year | 305 |
Average chat lines per day | 13 |
Average chat lines per hour | 7 |
# of users that have logged in today | 0 |
# of users that have posted today | 0 |
# of users that have participated in chat today | 0 |
Average age of users | 37 years |
(Statistics do not include time periods of total inactivity)
Day Of Week | Average | Total |
Sunday | 42 | 932 |
Monday | 44 | 917 |
Tuesday | 49 | 1020 |
Wednesday | 50 | 990 |
Thursday | 46 | 912 |
Friday | 50 | 954 |
Saturday | 46 | 975 |
(Averages and grand totals per week day)
Day Of Week | Average | Total |
Sunday | 128 | 1659 |
Monday | 95 | 1134 |
Tuesday | 135 | 1752 |
Wednesday | 127 | 1528 |
Thursday | 103 | 1336 |
Friday | 135 | 1624 |
Saturday | 244 | 2683 |
(Averages and grand totals per week day)
Day | Count |
Sunday | 0 |
Monday | 0 |
Tuesday | 0 |
Wednesday | 0 |
Thursday | 0 |
Friday | 0 |
Saturday | 0 |
(Averages and grand totals per week day)
Day | Count |
Sunday | 0 |
Monday | 0 |
Tuesday | 0 |
Wednesday | 0 |
Thursday | 0 |
Friday | 0 |
Saturday | 0 |
(Averages and grand totals per week day)
Users: | 0 |
Guests: | 37 |
Nitrocosm | 5 days ago |
Malphas | 3 weeks ago |
Wolfwood29 | 1 month ago |
Doitsujin | 2 months ago |
Lexica | 2 months ago |