

Rosetta Sorenson

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Birth DateMonday, March 16th, 2015 (10 years old)
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Latest Post in Wall #4? No such thing.:

There is a silly idea that's been around for millennia that something called a "fourth wall" exists. Science has never been able to prove its existence.

It's 2056, people. These ridiculous ideas have to be put to rest. I'm 41 years old and that's too old to believe in such fairy tales as a "fourth wall".

Interestingly, while my husband is out grabbing yet another box of doughnuts at the local store, I snooped on his browsing history and found this article:

user link on slashdot.org

At first I thought it was from June 11 of your current year but then I realized it was from 2006. Your old Internet is so quaint! Speaking of antiquated representations of the date, your server is still using that archaic 32-bit signed integer UNIX time stamp. Good luck with that in 2038. (No wonder it was so easy to break)

Hah. I remember that day back when I was 23 and still in college. Everybody thought it was going to be a non-issue just like the turn of the millennium but oh boy it was crazy how many things broke on January 18! John Titor was supposed to get an IBM 5100 to help with that but, like I figured, never send a military man to do a hacker's job. Everybody was shocked when John came back as a young girl and had only a case of Dr. Pepper.

Duncan, dear, don't leave your console unlocked. Reading that ancient article inspired me to build a contraption for retroactive network connections. Now I'm having too much fun messing around with the ancient Internet.

Uncertainty is strength. Quantum states are the only legitimate States.

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