Thread  RSS The Max Headroom Incident

# 11758 9 years ago on Wed, Jan 20 2016 at 11:13 pm

It's funny to think that someone out there *knows* who it was. The woman in the maid outfit at least knows the location, if nothing else. I'm surprised she didn't leak anything about it by now.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 11763 9 years ago on Thu, Jan 21 2016 at 4:58 am

Here's a crazy idea. What if the guy behind this *was* caught but it was kept under wraps because reporting on the investigation might encourage copy cats because information on *how* he did it might get out?

There could have been some easy way to hijack the signal that the station didn't want anyone to know. It wouldn't work now (obviously) but it might have been something costly to prevent back then.

# 11806 9 years ago on Sat, Jan 23 2016 at 9:01 am

That's an interesting theory... but I don't think he'd have to keep a lid on it nowadays since the technology has changed in such a way that it's difficult to override a digital television ( ATSB ) signal. It can be jammed but it would be almost impossible to hijack remotely without actually compromising the TV station itself.

By the way, people who would attempt to hack into things like that should really re-evaluate their lives if they have such skills yet such unproductive ideas for how to apply that knowledge.

(This post was edited 9 years ago on Saturday, January 23rd, 2016 at 9:01 am)

73's, KD8FUD

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# 11807 9 years ago on Sat, Jan 23 2016 at 10:17 am


I'm going to go, actually. Whenever I pulled, bad things happen. Sports sounds like a good thing. Will video be questionable?

Distance can't reach. Show makes sense to me. I'm going to say, actually.

That's interesting.

Nitrocosm, did't you post something one hour ago?

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-- Andrew S. Tanenb

# 11842 9 years ago on Sun, Jan 24 2016 at 11:03 am

The video was questionable. It was a pirate broadcast, after all.

That broadcast lasted almost two minutes, which makes it weirder that they weren't able to track the signal. That's plenty of time unless the station and the FCC were both - completely - unprepared for that kind of thing happening.

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