Orono, Maine
Posts: 334
I've got a few things up on imgur, so I might as well make a bit of an art dump to show things off for fun. Warning, large images.

Here we have Runa, who is a character who came together pretty quickly for a game with my tabletop group, though it's a bit in coming.

Strange as it probably is for a superhero setting, she's essentially a hybrid of human and horrible alien monster created by mad science. What matters as far as art and such goes is it means her abilities lean toward body-horror shapeshifting and regeneration.

This and the previous image are both Saikano references, because it's funny.

Speaking of shapeshifting, here's an armored form.
Super Poster
Kokomo, Indiana
Posts: 1488
These are all really, really good.
As for the image size, I saw that the large images were blowing out the page layout but I quickly fixed that with an easy modification to the CSS.
You're inspiring me to try drawing again soon.
73's, KD8FUD

Orono, Maine
Posts: 334
That's handy. Honestly, if I had a feature to scale them somehow, I'd probably use it to do the same anyway. I know some image tags have options to scale the actual images. I imagine it was just a matter of telling the CSS to resize stuff that'd otherwise stretch the layout?
I'll probably have more stuff to post up when I get home.
Meantime, here's something much less good and much more sketchy I did a while ago.

Super Poster
Kokomo, Indiana
Posts: 1488
On Friday, January 8th, 2016 at 7:12 am, vega7285 said:
I imagine it was just a matter of telling the CSS to resize stuff that'd otherwise stretch the layout?
Yep; it's just these four lines of code:
.thread img{
max-width: 600px;
max-height: 600px;
73's, KD8FUD

Phoenix, Arizona
Posts: 846
Damn, Vega, these are nice. I like the coloring. The line work is far better than anything I could do. Looks like you spent a lot of time getting the hands just right.
Good job, dude.
"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"