Thread  RSS End of the road for rearview mirror?

# 9419 9 years ago on Sun, Jan 10 2016 at 8:13 pm

How about this?!

With forward-looking car technology, the rearview mirror as we know it may soon become a thing of the past.

Article: user link on

Duh, right?

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-- Sam Harris

# 9420 9 years ago on Sun, Jan 10 2016 at 8:15 pm

I'd still want mirrors for backup. What if the camera became obscured or broken while driving?

Same for self-driving cars. Cool, but still have a manual override.

If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun.

# 9431 9 years ago on Mon, Jan 11 2016 at 12:15 am

Ditto on that. I want my car to have reliable parts that aren't going to break without notice and put me and any passengers in danger. Electronics are not 100% reliable and if the computer running the camera crashes, I don't want sudden blind spots when I'm on the I-10!

If we're talking cameras *in addition to* mirrors, then yeah, I'm all for that - anything to reduce blind spots.

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