Thread  RSS Forum suggestions / bug reporting thread

# 9679 19 years ago on Sun, May 7 2006 at 6:04 pm


If you have any suggestions for features for this new forum system, or if you find anything broken or not working correctly, please post about it here.

Thanks wink

73's, KD8FUD

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# 9689 19 years ago on Sun, May 7 2006 at 9:47 pm

Here is a list of bugs that I have found so far:

1) The cancel button in the edit post screen takes the user back to the main page instead of back to the thread.

2) Category and Thread list do not reflect changes to "last post on / by / in" information when posts are deleted.

3) The "Who's Online" list is not reporting everyone who is actually online or logged in.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 9690 19 years ago on Sun, May 7 2006 at 9:48 pm

Features that I plan to add:

1) The ability to preview posts before submitting them

2) Admin area

3) Automated backup / restore function in admin area

4) Ranks for users based on post count milestones

5) Pagination

6) Search feature

7) Auto-saves during post / edit screen so that user does not lose data in the even of disconnection.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 9691 19 years ago on Mon, May 8 2006 at 12:25 am

Couple of things:

1) You might want to clarify that the confirmation image is in all lower-case letters.

2) The posting screen does weird stuff while loading the emotes images. I think you have to set the width or something.

3) In the posting screen, insert emoticons and formatting tags at the cursor instead of always at the end of the text.


# 9692 19 years ago on Wed, May 10 2006 at 7:08 pm

Just fixed a bug with the dates shown for posts. Thanks to Vega for notifying me of it.

Post by Kyler on Monday, May 8, 2006 1:25 am:

Couple of things:

1) You might want to clarify that the confirmation image is in all lower-case letters.

2) The posting screen does weird stuff while loading the emotes images. I think you have to set the width or something.

3) In the posting screen, insert emoticons and formatting tags at the cursor instead of always at the end of the text.

1) Done

2) Dunno what's up with that. It does that in IE. I'd set the sizes except the emoticons vary in size and there's no way to set the width without opening each image individually... which would be a huge waste of server resources.

3) That's a good point, Kyler... I need to figure out how to do that. I tried some things in Javascript but they weren't working. Something about caretPos, though.

*Nitrocosm appreciates your feedback

73's, KD8FUD

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