Thread  RSS Virus!

# 9773 16 years ago on Mon, Apr 27 2009 at 7:48 am

New article in News (Regular musings and updates): Virus!

It came as quite a surprise, but my main workstation was suddenly hit with a virus as a result of going to a malicious site during an image search. Firefox wasn't upgraded to Firefox 3 (it sure as heck is, now!) and a vulnerability was exploited.

After reformatting the box and checking everything else on the network for infection, I'm back up and running. An entire day was lost due to a little bit of carelessness. Even if you think you have safe Internet habits, a good firewall, and good virus protection, you can get hit... keep everything up to date!

If it weren't for a few key pieces of software, my systems would all be running Linux and maybe one Mac....

Read the rest of the article here: user link on


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