Thread  RSS Returning to the Moon and on to Mars

# 9961 20 years ago on Thu, Feb 3 2005 at 7:40 am

The president of the U.S. has mentioned that NASA plans to return to the Moon and eventually plan a mission to Mars.

Frankly, I'm a little skeptical of this rhetoric. A moonshot is very expensive and a Mars mission, while it would be cool, seems unfeasible to me right now.

This was mentioned in the press conference:

"contains raw materials that might be harvested and processed into rocket fuel or breathable air."

If the Moon is attractive to industry and lunar mining becomes something viable and lucrative, that would be interesting. I don't think anyone owns the moon so that might introduce some conflicts.

Here's the CNN article about it: user link on

What do you think?

73's, KD8FUD

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