Thread  RSS Where'd everybody go?

# 10331 18 years ago on Tue, Oct 3 2006 at 9:54 pm

I wouldn't mind seeing more of what Zetsfir is up to with Azurat and Gesh, plus the colonization in general. I realize a great deal of that is in the 'will be revealed in time' category, but it would be interesting to see more of what they're up to.

# 10332 18 years ago on Fri, Oct 6 2006 at 12:07 am


When I could be drawing, I'm instead studying the Japanese language, studying for my ham radio license, learning morse code, doing uni assignments, and messing with the new Linux box.

But the whole Zetsfir thing could stand to be expanded more in the first chapter - it isn't clear exactly what the council back in 2214 A.D. is up to when they're talking to Azurat and Pathos. This will be clarified in the re-make.

One other thing is that the omake pages won't be included in the re-make.

The forums are a bit dead, but hopefully that'll change when new pages go up.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 10333 18 years ago on Sat, Oct 7 2006 at 9:37 am

It would be nice to see some more history / background / etc to the story, like how Zetsfir came to be on Earth and how the whole migration thing was ordered.

Also, maybe a flashback of the scene where Ravenna's mom disappears.

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 10334 18 years ago on Mon, Oct 9 2006 at 4:54 am

Personally, I think it might be cool to see more of the world of 2214 before the main characters leave Earth. What's life like then? sassy


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