Thread  RSS Looking for a new owner

# 10497 20 years ago on Sat, May 21 2005 at 6:44 pm


If anyone is interested, please contact me regarding transferring ownership of the site. Of course, I won't take anything down until the site is securely in place. The forums will not be lost.

Originally, I was going to transfer ownership of my hosting account, but I'm not sure if that can be done or not. If anyone is interested and they already have their own hosting, let me know. I can provide the full backup files and get it set up on your server.

Vega might be taking over the art portion of the comic, at his leisure. As for writing, well, I'm still looking for a new writer to take over the page-by-page scripting. Ideally the comic script would be re-written, but that's entirely up to the new staff.

The goal is to transfer the ownership of the site by the end of the month. I'm not renewing the hosting contract for the site on June 1st if at all possible.



73's, KD8FUD

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# 10498 20 years ago on Sat, May 21 2005 at 6:52 pm

I really hope you don't take anything down before we get the forums moved. Losing the forums again would really p*** me off, no offense.

Not that I don't get where you're coming from, hosting's expensive, but don't nuke the forums!!!

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 10499 20 years ago on Sat, May 21 2005 at 6:57 pm

I have no intent of nuking the forums. That's been done far too many times in the past.

The goal here is to get out of all involvement with the site. I'm not sure what needs to be done to sign over the copyrights, though...

73's, KD8FUD

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# 10500 20 years ago on Sat, May 21 2005 at 9:01 pm

If no one else takes you up on the offer, and you're sure this is what you want to do, I can probably take the site and get it hosted. One of my friends has a server.

I'll e-mail you.


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