Thread  RSS Omni-T so far

# 10511 20 years ago on Fri, Apr 8 2005 at 1:42 am

Hmmm. Is it supposed to have the same setting as 2214?

# 10513 20 years ago on Fri, May 27 2005 at 5:26 pm

Not quite sure what to do with this.

I'm afraid that I kind of forgot to get a backup of OmniT when I backed up the site. If anyone has a copy of it, it'd be cool if you could send it to me.

Nitro had asked me at some point about a story line for OmniT, and I got a little way into it, but not far enough to actually have something for him to draw. But yeah, I think Nitro was getting his inspiration from Angel Moxie when he started it. It was supposed to be a Chibi comic, but ended up being children instead.

Not sure if Vega wants to work on this one. It's probably enough for him to be working on 2214 right now, but I don't think I'll delete this forum.

# 10515 20 years ago on Tue, May 31 2005 at 8:05 am

Not quite sure what to do with this.

I'm afraid that I kind of forgot to get a backup of OmniT when I backed up the site. If anyone has a copy of it, it'd be cool if you could send it to me.

Nitro had asked me at some point about a story line for OmniT, and I got a little way into it, but not far enough to actually have something for him to draw. But yeah, I think Nitro was getting his inspiration from Angel Moxie when he started it. It was supposed to be a Chibi comic, but ended up being children instead.

Not sure if Vega wants to work on this one. It's probably enough for him to be working on 2214 right now, but I don't think I'll delete this forum.

I've got the first four or five somewhere. I'll have it the next time I get to a computer again.

# 10517 19 years ago on Fri, Dec 23 2005 at 6:26 am

Omnitemporalis is offline now. I didn't really have a solid plan for it.

In its place, though, the new gag strip "Proper Time Theatre" has gone up.

73's, KD8FUD

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