Thread  RSS Whither 2214?

# 10535 20 years ago on Tue, Jun 7 2005 at 7:28 am

Alright. Nice to see it isn't gone. What do you mean when you said that Nitro was on walkabout? I've been trying to get a hold of him, but I haven't heard back yet. He said a couple things during A-cen and I'm trying to figure out if that was what he meant.

Heh, I won't really be back until next semester (late august), but I do try to drop by sometimes.

# 10536 20 years ago on Tue, Jun 7 2005 at 7:42 pm

Well, I really have little clue as to what Nitro's up to. So, saying he's off on walkabout is as good as any explanation.

Haven't heard from him recently.

On a different note, anyone know what font the comic uses? I'd like to stay consistent on the lettering, if possible.

# 10537 20 years ago on Wed, Jun 8 2005 at 12:47 am

A few hours after you left the net, I had a chat with Atropos. She managed to dig up some info on that. The font that you're after is called Orange LET. Turns out that my brother happens to have it.

I'll give it to you when I next see you.

# 10538 20 years ago on Tue, Jun 21 2005 at 10:24 am

That is indeed the correct font

Also, Lynx, did I send you the smileys pack to go with these forums?

73's, KD8FUD

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# 10539 20 years ago on Thu, Jun 23 2005 at 11:00 am

Nice to see you back, Nitro. I knew that you couldn't resist the power of the dark side.

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