Thread  RSS Mostly up and running forums

# 10550 20 years ago on Thu, May 26 2005 at 4:25 am

Ok guys, it's been a HELL of a long day for me.

If you hadn't noticed, the forums are up again. It would seem that Nitro's old host dropped him a few days early or something so I was forced to get some cheap hosting. I've almost gotten the forums up and running. I haven't been able to upload any smileys or change the skin yet.

Not only that, but I'm having a lot of troubles administrating the site because the admin tools reckon I'm getting a new IP address every time I click a link here :/

Ah well. I'm pretty sure I won't need to delete the forums to rebuild it again. I Just hope that we don't go over the internet quota.

I'll get to working on the main site tomorrow and hopefully, the comic will be back up then.

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