Thread  RSS Almost as good as the comic I should've posted Friday...

# 10558 20 years ago on Sun, May 22 2005 at 1:35 pm

Man, I love the background on this...

Man, who is that handsome devil who drew it?

I dunno, I like it. Sometime tomorrow it should be available to buy as a print, if QC doesn't screw up and think that I'm violating my own copyright again... A print that, as usual, i'm selling for a profit of $2.50 in order to keep the price low. Don't let anyone say that I don't love ya.

# 10559 20 years ago on Tue, Jun 28 2005 at 4:16 pm

Creating yet another post seems so arrogant... Not that anyone else typically posts in this particular prt of the forum anyhow.

I'm sure I lost a lot of readers with ye olde two month lack of comic, so Brimzero is updating again, and barring unforseen circumstances, it shall actually be on time from now on. I hope.

Also, SEP will start with ye olde updating again next week.

Also also, my portfolio site is now live, and I'd appreciate some feedback, specifically on my site design (is it "professional" enough?) and commission prices. Which reminds me, i gotta finish my pricelists.

Also also also, I'm considering running the scripts for Brimzero past a proofreader or two, so if you're interested, bug me and I'll send you the rest of Chapter 1. But only if you're serious about giving me feedback! Specifically, feedback on the story in general, the flow, the dialogue, and whether or not the characters are believable. (Okay, scratch that, just grab the RTF or the TXT, it's a straight copy of my OpenOffice file and therefore not a very good read.)

Oh, and if anyone here remembers the old first draft of Brimzero, I should mention that page 8 officially caught up with the first draft, so the page going up this Friday will be the first new content, storywise, since last November! Woo! [/shamelessness]

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