Thread  RSS Song by the McQuinn Bros.

# 10611 20 years ago on Thu, Mar 10 2005 at 10:08 am

...which is Troy and Dan McQuinn, and you know I'm the Troy one though I prefer being called Nitro on here

But anywho, whatever you wanna call me, just don't call me late for dinner.

I'm never late for dinner

To the point, Dan and I cooked up this song a while back. He wrote the song itself, plays the drums (Roland V-drums) and guitar, and I put in the synth and bass tracks.

This song was recorded on the VS-840 in one night, so it's not as polished as we wanted it to be, but it's a fun listen.

The song is at

73's, KD8FUD

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# 10612 20 years ago on Thu, Mar 10 2005 at 10:14 am

Cool. Those drums sound really good, especially for a home recording.

I know what you mean by not sounding totally polished, the beat slips in a few places, but not too badly. The bass might be a little loud, too.

But I like the song overall

Dan should record some more of his songs and maybe put them here. Is your brother going to register?


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# 10613 20 years ago on Thu, Mar 10 2005 at 10:19 am


Yeah, we were both rushing to finish it because he had to go pick his friend up. Sadly, almost every song we've collaborated on has been done under some sort of similar time constraint. There's no telling what we'd be able to do if we had more time per session... oh well...

As for the bass, yeah. Too loud. It's a good idea to test a mix on a variety of speaker types and a couple pairs of headphones. Unfortunately, I tested only on my Roland MA-8's through my computer's sound card and the Roland RH-50's.

I'll bug Dan to re-register, but he's almost always on tour...

73's, KD8FUD

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# 10614 20 years ago on Thu, Mar 10 2005 at 10:37 am

Great song.

Sounds fine to me, through my speakers the bass sounds about where it should be, I think.

Like the synth lead, sounds almost like an electric guitar played with a slide.

# 10615 20 years ago on Thu, Mar 10 2005 at 2:01 pm

I'll have to wait a while for this to download.

Oh, the troubles of dial-up...

More later once I've heard the song

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