Thread  RSS Final Fantasy XII

# 10736 20 years ago on Sat, Mar 12 2005 at 6:35 am

Ever since Final Fantasy VIII, it seems like Square stopped giving the Final Fantasy games their full effort. My favorite was VII, which, although the graphics were very unrefined (mostly the walkaround scenes), the storyline and music were great.

Final fantasy VIII through X-2 all seemed, in my opinion, to have weak storylines. XI is entirely an MMORPG so anybody without a network interface and internet connection for their PS2 was left out.

They claim the next installment in the series will bring back the "sweeping storyline" of FFVII proportions, along with graphics that exceed the quallity of FFX. Based on this, I'm excited.

What's everybody think? Oh, and don't get me started on Crystal Chronicles

The blue sky is infinitely high, crystal clear...that's what the world should be...a world of infinite possibilities, laid before us, crystal clear"

# 10737 20 years ago on Sat, Mar 12 2005 at 7:10 am

I think I'll keep a lookout and probably rent before I buy. I'd probably enjoy the game, but these days, my favored RPGs are stuff like Xenosaga (and Xenogears) and Morrowind.

Don't know why, I guess I've sort of gotten tired of Final Fantasy, for the moment.

# 10738 20 years ago on Sat, Mar 12 2005 at 8:02 am

As probably goes without saying, my favorite was FFX, simply because of the game play system. Switching team members mid-battle, specifically. But FF7's my second favorite FF.

The rest of them... I agree, they weren't all that. I think Square was experimenting. With drugs. (not really )

I look forward to XII because they say it's going to be a serious, non-online game.

# 10739 20 years ago on Sat, Mar 12 2005 at 8:52 am

What about Final Fantasy Tactics? That one was pretty good as far as game play went. IMO it was a little better than FF7's play system (and better than that god-awful "junction" system in plus you had a wide variety to choose from.

# 10740 20 years ago on Sat, Mar 12 2005 at 4:23 pm

FF7 all the way. Although the ones before it were even better as far as the storylines were. The characters and story for FFIII were awesome.

Good old SNES days.

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