Thread  RSS Final Fantasy: Advent Children

# 10746 20 years ago on Fri, Mar 18 2005 at 7:44 am

This DVD movie is supposed to be released fairly soon. It's based on the world of Final Fantasy 7, right after the story time period of the game, and several of the characters from the game return in this movie. They've all gotten major makeovers to be of at least the quality of FFX cutscenes (maybe almost as good as Final Fantasy: The Sprits Within).

Find out more about it Here.

Personally, this is one of the biggest things I've looked forward to in a while.

# 10747 20 years ago on Fri, Mar 18 2005 at 7:48 am

It seems like they're still being really vague about the whole thing.

Wasn't it already released in Japan?


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# 10748 20 years ago on Fri, Mar 18 2005 at 7:53 am

Funny enough, it doesn't look like the site says anything about it being released yet, although the times that it says it would be released have already passed by (late 2004 in Japan, First Quarter 2005 in the U.S.)

Time to do some diggin' around and finding out what's up with that.

# 10749 20 years ago on Fri, Mar 18 2005 at 2:41 pm

I couldn't find anything more about it. From what I gather, it's been released in Japan, though.


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# 10750 20 years ago on Fri, Mar 18 2005 at 3:44 pm

They just made a news posting today on there. From the sound of it, the producer is going to announce new information about the release date, so it hasn't been released in Japan yet.

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