Thread  RSS Xenosaga

# 10771 20 years ago on Sun, Apr 3 2005 at 7:56 am

If you let loose a full boost guage on the crit rate up slot, you'll nail that thing That tends to work for almost every boss, it's figuring out how to time your turns just right.

I think there's skills / items that increase a character's crit rate too.

# 10772 20 years ago on Tue, Apr 5 2005 at 5:14 am

I think the item's the samurai heart. It's all about abusing the boost, really. Xenosaga two really lets you cut loose. Especially when you start getting good at juggling your enemies.

# 10773 19 years ago on Wed, Nov 30 2005 at 4:36 pm

Gotta love KOS-MOS... Though have you heard that namco isa stopping the series after 3 episodes...... is't very frusterating. ....... Though i'm currently playing through xenogears, and i think that square was stupid for not continuing the series..... Though i Cant wait for Ep 3

# 10774 19 years ago on Wed, Nov 30 2005 at 7:13 pm

Although it might just be rumors right now, I have a feeling they are cutting the series short due to lower-than-expected profits on the first two games.

Still, even if that's the case, I hope episode 3 isn't anti-climatic... I've seen some previews and it doesn't look like they've revised the graphics engine a whole lot.

Then again, the graphics in ep. 2 were really great, and may have been pushing the capabilities of the PS2 as they were.

I'm looking forward to it, even if it is the end.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 10776 19 years ago on Thu, Dec 1 2005 at 9:14 am

True. Well i hope for the best for the whole saga of xenosaga.....

I will agree with you and join in the hope that EpIII will not be a let down.

It if makes it big, they might just continue the series.

Though, the more that I play xenogears, i see how the story developed from it to xenosaga. Gotta love KOS-MOS

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