Thread  RSS A glaring oversight

# 10782 20 years ago on Thu, Mar 31 2005 at 5:24 am


# 10783 20 years ago on Thu, Mar 31 2005 at 2:45 pm

I never touch the stuff either

It makes me feel just to catch a whiff of .

# 10784 20 years ago on Fri, Apr 1 2005 at 6:03 am

Really? That makes two of us I've never drank.

Waff-O! waffle

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# 10785 20 years ago on Fri, Apr 1 2005 at 6:41 am

I've had enough tastes of alcohol to wonder why people find it appealing. The sutff just doesn't seem to agree with me on a flavor level. At least, not in beverages (of which I have never had more than a sip. I know much better than to somehow manage obtaining the sutff until I can legally do so).

I do find alcohol acceptable to cook with, in which case it technically cooks off but adds flavor. Especially in the likes of Bananas Foster, since you get to set that on fire.

# 10786 20 years ago on Fri, Apr 1 2005 at 7:27 am

My approval/dislike towards alcohole is prettymuch entirely on the taste level. Therefore i have a preference to beer (ok, i'm honest, some types of b33r - specifically those that taste good), but a dislike to virtually everything else alcoholic. Oh, and I also can't say anything about the quality of beer in the US, but i reckon that beer in Belgium/France for example wasn't exactly my taste, either. In England, it was ok (i can't remember the name, though). Czech b33r such as Krusovice is pretty good, too (Jup will agree on that ). Same goes for certain german beer sorts.

But, regarding virtually anything else (especially the high-percentage alcoholic stuff), my advice is, stay away from that stuff for good!

Regarding alcohole used for cooking, i agree with Vega.

IMHO, chicken in cognac sauce rulez.

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