Thread  RSS Azumanga Daioh

# 10799 20 years ago on Mon, Apr 18 2005 at 10:14 am

Excel Saga, I've only seen the first episode of that one. It was pretty funny and it didn't seem all that dirty to me,

How many episodes total? Is it worth collecting?

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# 10800 20 years ago on Tue, Apr 19 2005 at 5:30 am

Excel saga? Trust me, it gets... perverted as the series goes on.

I find it hilarious, but the series is very chaotic. It's the kind of thing that you have to see some of it before you should really think about picking it up.

# 10801 20 years ago on Tue, Apr 19 2005 at 5:40 am

As far as the eprversion goes, the last episode would be a testament to that statement.

Excel Saga and FLCL are good, from what I've seen. Make very little sense, perhaps, but are really good fun for sheer silliness and the like. Macigal Shopping Arcade Abenobashi is another good series in the same vein...

# 10802 20 years ago on Tue, Apr 19 2005 at 10:06 am

That's the strange appeal of Anime. They're all vastly different in style. Weirder, it almost never really needs to make sense, as long as it's fun to watch.


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# 10803 20 years ago on Tue, Apr 19 2005 at 7:15 pm

Excel Saga, I've only seen the first episode of that one. It was pretty funny and it didn't seem all that dirty to me,

How many episodes total? Is it worth collecting?

Oh yeah. Put it this way, it's not recommended for younger viewers

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