Thread  RSS Star Wars Episode III

# 10809 20 years ago on Tue, Mar 29 2005 at 4:37 pm

Looking forward to it. He's going to have to cram a lot into this film. And it has to end with Anikin getting into the Darth Vader suit.

Tons of stuff to cover. Not to mention seque into Luke and Laia's births, and more about how Obi-wan got how he is.


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# 10810 20 years ago on Tue, Mar 29 2005 at 6:36 pm

First, Episode II is worth a look. UP is down right now, but check later for the comic from 5-20-2002, it covers it pretty well.

And second, i'm hoping Jar-Jar is in Episode III. One scene, Anikin making with the Force and crushifying a windpipe or two.

"I find your lack of popularity disturbing, Jar-Jar."

Just like in Episode IV, only this time a million or so people will be begging him to do it.

# 10811 20 years ago on Tue, Mar 29 2005 at 6:51 pm

Maybe the whole purpose of Jar-Jar was to have some poor sap to be Anakin's first victim


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# 10812 20 years ago on Wed, Mar 30 2005 at 12:49 pm

Heheheh. That page is great. Though instead of showing that slobbering thing, they should have just shown Jar-jar. He's the real monster that deflowered the pristine childhood memory of the original Star Wars.

Yoda's well drawn in there, too. He might be small and green, but badasses come in all sizes

# 10813 20 years ago on Thu, Mar 31 2005 at 4:31 am

Wow, and I thought I was the only person who thought of that strip when I read this thread. I'm not sure if it's going to be possible to wreck episode three, but something might happen.

As a note though, Jar-Jar was single-handedly responsible for the destruction of the old republic...

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