Thread  RSS Favorite Music Genre

# 10844 20 years ago on Sat, Mar 12 2005 at 12:55 pm

This is quite possibly one of the most common, over-done poll questions of all time, but I'm curious as to what everyone's musical tastes are.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 10845 20 years ago on Sat, Mar 12 2005 at 1:05 pm

My vote has to go to soundtracks/VGM, as that's practically all I listen to. Not quite, though, so here's a breakdown of my tastes.

Soundtracks (VG or otherwise)

VG track remixes


Punk (i.e. Misfits, Bad Brains, Balzac)


And pretty much anything else I decide I enjoy on an individual song basis.

# 10846 20 years ago on Sat, Mar 12 2005 at 4:05 pm

My favorite kind of music is Alternative Rock, stuff like Garbage, Stone Temple Pilots, Juliana Hatfield, Beck, stuff like that.

I'm also a fan of Green Day... but I like Green Day's old stuff the best. You might say I'm stuck in the '90's.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 10847 20 years ago on Mon, Mar 14 2005 at 12:00 pm

I listen to a lot of Techno, and also some more mellow stuff like Moby.

# 10848 20 years ago on Tue, Mar 15 2005 at 7:56 am

You don't have classic rock listed in there

I'm mostly a metal fan, lots of the older stuff like OLD Metallica (pre-hair cut days) and Black Sabbath. AC/DC, NO. Never liked that band... couldn't see why anyone did with that voice!

As far as new stuff, Rob Zombie's a favorite of mine, but none of this rap-rock stuff though.

Aside from metal, I like a lot of classic rock, Pink Floyd, The Eagles, stuff like that.

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