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# 10870 20 years ago on Thu, Mar 10 2005 at 3:56 am

"But... why can't my sensors pick them up? There's no radiation or heat patterns, or infrared.... nothing."

A couple of Kadmasian soldiers walked by, nonchalantly.

"Al, are you sure about this? If there are Zetsfir troops all around us, then shouldn't we have been bumping into them physically?"

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 10861 20 years ago on Thu, Mar 10 2005 at 9:30 am

The Tennou was finishing his Tofu-burger with one hand, frantically typing away at his control panel with the other.

"Zetsfir.... Zetsfir is falling.... Dum dah dum dah....", he sang to himself.

He stopped singing after several crew personnel gave him raised eyebrows.

"Ok, people. We've got one Zetsfir warship at 12 o'clock and it's ignoring all of our attempts at opening communication channels. According to Kadmasian aerospace ordinance 27, section... hang on... section... I know this one... um..."

The Tennou pulled out a key card and slid it through a slot on a panel near him.

" know the one I mean. They are not changing course. Prepare the main phase distortion cannon and wait for my signal."

73's, KD8FUD

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# 10862 20 years ago on Fri, Mar 11 2005 at 9:36 am

Jerod kept looking around expecting to see some kind of trace.

"The best thing we can do is walk back to the bridge. They might not want to blow their cover and confirm our suspiscions just yet."

He backed away from Shell and slowly walked back towards the bridge entrance. Shell and Big Al followed.

"See... I think we're safe for right now."

As soon as we get back to the bridge, I'll report this to the Tennou.

# 10863 20 years ago on Fri, Mar 11 2005 at 9:56 am

Big Al followed Jerod and Shell.

"You know... the Tennou and I go way back. We used to serve together back on Old Pandora."

Jerod and Shell looked a little suprised.

"Well, I wasn't always an overweight shuttle pilot, you know. If you'd have asked me earlier, I'd have told you guys all about our old adventures."

On board the bridge, they met with the Tennou and gave him a brief update on what they'd encountered.

"So, we suspect it could be Zetsfir soldiers in stealth armor, having infiltrated the ship. Far-fetched, but both you and I know it's been done before," Al told the Tennou.

(O.O.C.: Nitro, if you wouldn't mind, it might be a good idea for the Tennou to follow up here?)

# 10874 20 years ago on Fri, Mar 11 2005 at 1:01 pm

(Ooc: Kyrannen and Melvin are now still behind a supposedly blocked door - and Gren is on the other side.)

Melvin stared at Kyrannen. Without having said anything, Kyrannen replied. "Don't look at me. I don't have any idea either. That door is locked and when they'll open it there'll be a bunch of heavily armed guards coming through it."

Melvin raised his eyebrow "So what? Shall we run back? There's probably at least the same number of guards behind us?"

In the same moment, the door opened and a strange-looking man stepped through it. His skin was shiny black, although his face was near white. And his eyes appeared to be glowing red. And there was what appeared to be a third, large red eye on his chest. His body was spilled all over with blood which didn't seem to be his blood, though.

Melvin - as well as Kyrannen to a degree - was shocked. Melvin began to stutter: "Wh..who are you?" In the same moment he thought to himself: Maybe 'who' was the wrong question, 'what' would have been much better. Clearly that guy can't be human!

"Gren? How did you get here?" Kyrannen asked.

"Well, there is a major battle out there going to start any time soon. I wanted to make sure that the you and your companion get into safety before that.

Melvin began to ask, unbelieving of what was going on "You two know each other?"

Kyrannen smiled. "Yeah, we met before. Melvin, this is Gren. Gren, this is Melvin."

Gren replied "Nice to meet you." Melvin nodded. "Same on my side". Great, first my mysterious rescuer who apparently seems to be capable reading my mind, now this fellow. I wonder where this will take me.

Kyrannen turned over to Melvin. "Well, we need to head into safety now, and from what Gren just said, we should do so rather quickly."

Melvin began to ask: "I hope one of you has a ship, yeah?"

"Yeah, that was part of my plan. The ship should still be where it was, but there still may be some guards protecting it." Kyrannen replied.

Gren added "Well, my ship is in the docking bay as well. That means we basically have the same way now..."

Gren pointed at the remains of the guards. "... I also suggest you get yourself some weapons. I don't need them, but I'd strongly suggest you get yourself some."

Melvin stared at the really terribly-shaped remains of one of the guards.

"If you didn't use any weapons, then, how did you kill them?"

Gren smiled. "Heh. You will find out soon enough."

"Allright, no more time for chat, let's get out here!" Kyrannen yelled at him. "Let's go!"

(Ooc: *whew* i hope you like it. )

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