Thread  RSS 2214 RP Thread 2

# 10881 20 years ago on Wed, Mar 16 2005 at 6:14 pm

(O.O.C.: Bravo, Wolfwood. That gave me chills.)

The Tennou was overseeing repairs to the Kadmasian ship.

"This has certainly set our plans back by quite a bit. I'm going to need to speak with the council about the current situation as soon as I can get to a secure location."

He took a stroll down the main hall, out of the dock, and up the elevator to the medical facility.

After getting directions, he found Shell's room and entered. Electra and Jerod were there.

"Ah, Electra. Good to see you in person again. You've changed your look a lot I see. Probably a wise thing to do around here..."

He sat down next to Jerod.

"Your team did a lot to save our crew from a total loss. I'd also like to thank the Bydo... if you know where he is. The way I see it, I owe him, and you guys one. Anything you want.... I'll do my best to make it happen."

He stood up and walked over to Shell's side.

"And you... nearly made the ultimate sacrifice for us. I can't thank you enough."

He shuffled his feet on the way to the door.

"Let me know what I can do to re-pay you... and the same goes for the Bydo. I'm going to see if I can find him."

73's, KD8FUD

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# 10882 20 years ago on Wed, Mar 16 2005 at 6:27 pm

"It's worth it if we can finally bring peace again."

She leaned back down on her pillow.

"For now, though, I think I'll get some rest. My nanite systems are indicating a rapid repair rate, so I'll probably be up and walking again within 12 hours."

Electra and Jerod left the room.

"Hmmmm. I guess I could do some network scanning while I recover... no sense in just doing nothing."

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 10883 20 years ago on Wed, Mar 16 2005 at 6:33 pm

Gren wouldn't be too difficult to find, if the Tennou could get a bit of a description to go by. The Bydo was, at the moment, idling in the medical facility's reception area. He'd need to speak with Electra about her disguise ideas, but had at least returned to the hangar and replaced most of his old outfit with a flightsuit. It made him look much more human, which'd hopefully prevent him from being as easy to spot until he could do something about settling any quarrels the guards might still have.

He had finally managed to convince those medics that he didn't need their help wen they noticed that his wounds were already healing. It's still be a difficult few days, but at least he'd be free to do as he pleased instead of confined to a hospital room. It was likely that there was already talk of him in various circles outside of law enforcement, and didn't mugh enjoy the idea of being studied. At least, not unless there was something in it for him.

Besides, it's so silly to just lie around while recovering. He might take it a bit easier, but if he can walk, he's not going to sit around and bide his time. The body isn't strenghtened by lack of stress, after all.

Hey, there's a cafe across the street. And it had been a while sicne Gren's last mug of coffee. So, he headed for the place.

# 10884 20 years ago on Wed, Mar 16 2005 at 6:41 pm

The Tennou had ordered a double-latte with all the fixin's and was still eating the whipped cream and cinnamon topping when a Bydo came walking in.

"Ah... now there's the very person I was looking for."

He walked up with his coffee and introduced himself.


Gren nodded.

"You saved our bacon back there. It would have been a total loss without the help of you and Jerod's team, and I'd like to offer my thanks. Additionally, if there's anything you want - anything at all - I'll do my best to reward you. Just name it."

He took a sip of his coffee, unwittingly getting whipped cream all over his nose.

"You should try the double-latte here. It's so good, it ain't funny."

73's, KD8FUD

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# 10885 20 years ago on Wed, Mar 16 2005 at 6:59 pm

"Well, I guess you can start by buying me one so we can discuss things over our drinks," Gren replied. A few moments later, he was seated across from the Tennou at one of the tables.

"Now, then. I assume you'd be wanting more than a cup of coffee."

"You could say that. First off, my assistance with the battle was a matter of course. I can't just sit idly by when there's a fight in which I could participate. And like I said, a strike craft escort's pretty handy to have around. You might want to consider garissoning some military ships here." He paused to try the coffee, at first having a bit of trouble with the whipped cream. "Anyway, at the moment, I'm not exactly sure what'd be important that I have. I did stir up some trouble with the local law enforcement earleir, and doubt they'd just let me go. I can handle them, unless they're truly...persistent. My other main concern is securing an occupation and housing, as these seem necessary in your society and I have neither, at the moment."

"So, I had to buy your coffee."

"Yep. I might be able to arrange things with Atlas and the others, which I was in the process of doing before all this happened. But, a bit of help may not be a bad idea." He took another sip of the coffee. "You're right about this double-latte, by the way. Oh, and if I may be of service in the future, I'd be happy to oblige."

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