Thread  RSS 2214 RP Thread 3

# 10906 19 years ago on Sun, Dec 18 2005 at 10:48 am

Atlas' head hurt. He looked around the area, to check if the coast was clear. The air was quickly being sucked out by the hole the mech had made in Pandora's hull, so he made a mad dash to the nearest airlock and sealed it shut behind him. Looking through the window, he saw his mech dislodge and drift back out into space.

I get the feeling that thing was affecting me. Maybe it's good to just let it go. It's one curse I can do without.

His head still throbbing, for reasons he didn't yet fully understand, he made his way back to his quarters and dropped onto his bed.

I wonder what the others are up to...

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 10907 19 years ago on Mon, Dec 19 2005 at 1:45 am

Shell ran into the Tennou as he was running toward the elevator.

\"Tennou, wait a minute, please. We\'ve picked up an anomaly near the moon \'David\'\".

The Tennou seemed to be in a hurry and wasn\'t appearing to be paying much attention.

\"Huh, oh.\"

Shell got onto the elevator with him.

\"What\'s going on, Tennou?\"

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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