Thread  RSS Gren

# 10910 20 years ago on Wed, Mar 9 2005 at 9:17 am

Currently unsure what sort of direction I'll be taking with him, so I'll just lay down the basics as they are and leave off how he showed up. Reason being I may change when and where entirely if need-be.

Name: Gren

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 223 lbs

Apparent age in mid-twenties.

Red eyes and hair

Gren?s skin color ranges from near-black on most of his body, to a face that?s so white it almost seems painted. He has two small, black dots on his forehead, and ?tear-mark? lines running down his cheeks. His red hair reaches his mid-back in length, and is very voluminous, poofed out in a manner similar to some Kabuki styles (or 80's hair bands). While at first glance he may appear as a tall man with a muscular build, closer inspection will reveal that he?s obviously inhuman. Other than the odd skin color, he has what appear to be armor plates and a large third eye on his chest. His finger and toe nails are long and sharp, almost like claws, and his teeth have a decidedly carnivorous appearance. His form is mutable, but is usually only a variation on this ?default? appearance.


While the above holds for Gren's natural appearance, recent events have cause him to adopt a deiguise. Changes below:

Height: 6'2"

Hair: Red/Pink (wine-colored?)

Eyes: Gold

Gren's face is significantly different from his original appearance, sporting a somewhat different bone structure and natural human skintone. The only facial markins are some sort of tribal style tattoo on his left cheek. He's changed his eye color completely, to a gold that one would find quite fitting, for a crocodile. Gren's hairstlye is much changed, primarily because a lot of it isn't there any more. The shorter style should be cooler, help deter recognition, and be harder to grab in a fight. His hair color has also lightened somewhat. Anyone's guess why he put that black ribbon in it, too.

Gren's current outfit is reminiscent of a flight suit or the sort of outfit a motorcycle racer might wear. Its color scheme is a dark blue with white trim and a few silvery and metal parts.

Typical manner of dress varies widely. Usually either a suit that serves to effectively cover most of his inhumaity or less formal outfits when in more comfortable settings and around friends.

Reference Art

Mugshot, in color


While he'd probably be comfortable figuring things out and living a semblance of a normal life, Gren knows it'd be awfully boring, eventually. So, make that a normal life that involves a lot of entertaining work. He doesn't really know too much about human culture, and is therefore prone to social missteps. In general, he's politely conversational and relatively friendly and curious towards others. Can be prone to violence or impulsuive action. Coffee addict.

Currently holding off on skills and the like for now. Will provide a bit of information on his ship, which has been toned down a bit (no force unit, more trouble with wave cannons; actually has armor so it doesn't pop in one hit, though).

R-90-2 Ragnarok II heavy fighter

Heavy aerospace fighter based on captured terran design. In addition to a modest payload of homing missiles and a pair of fire-linked laser gattling guns (really weak firepower, fixed forward mount), the Ragnarok II is equipped with a powerful wave-cannon system. However, the dual system renders operation less effecient than either single weapon. Primary drawbacks include dangerous overheating and long cool-down times from the hyper wave cannon and an overlong charge up period for the giga wave cannon.

The ship lacks shielding, relying entirely on its armor and the skill of the pilot to avoid damage.

As I'm ripping off R-Type so much, I must mention it. Wonderful game series by Irem.


18/03/05: Reference image for appearance changed, written description change pending coloring.

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