Thread  RSS Theme Music

# 10952 20 years ago on Wed, Mar 16 2005 at 5:57 pm

It's sort of a semi-tradition of mine, so I might as well make this thread here, too. But, I'm a fan of assigning theme music to characters. Sort of composing a pseduo-soundtrack.

So, if anyone else feels moved to do so, I'd like them to join in. As far as I'm concerned they can toss up themes for anything. Random events, characters, etc. Character themes would more or less play when they're taking center stage, and might also apply to a specific action. For example, there might be different themes for a character in and out of combat. At least, that's my way of thinking.

Gren's actually been pretty difficult to stick music to, but let me see if I can think of a few things. His general theme (talking, etc.) would probably be something vaguely evil and ominous. His battle theme would just be some nice, hard rock or the like. Something that says "I'm badass and know it."

I'm working on choosing themes for him, so stay tuned and feel free to join in the fun of compiling a soundtrack.

# 10953 20 years ago on Wed, Mar 16 2005 at 6:30 pm

Well, I'm sure it's not limited to these, but I pick "Boss Battle 1" from the mp3 section on this site as the battle theme on the Kadmasian ship bridge, where Atlas, Shell, Jerod, and Gren are battling against the RABU.

Also, I nominate Crash Test Dummies - "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmmm" as the theme for Shell's past, where she's saved by Lynx and recovers on Old Pandora.

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 10954 20 years ago on Thu, Mar 17 2005 at 6:48 am

Here's some music I've picked up on.

Tiara Menari would make a good general theme for heroism or a battle theme, maybe.

Gren's personal battle theme (in traditional RPGs, this would imply the heroes would fight him at some point) is most definitely Dual Storm. He still doesn't have a normal theme, but probably something like Darkside of the Moon.

Yes, I'm a big fan of VGMix, it's got plenty of great stuff.

# 10955 20 years ago on Thu, Mar 17 2005 at 7:56 am

These are great! They all fit the RP really well. Especially that first one, it makes me think of normal, random battles that would take place in the RP.

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 10956 20 years ago on Thu, Mar 17 2005 at 8:17 am

Back when was around, I downloaded a bunch of cool songs by this project called "Symphonic Chronicles". Looking around in those songs on my hard drive, I found one called "The Flight", which sort of fits the scene where the Kadmasian Battleship is under attack, and when they fire upon the Zetsfir War ship along with Gren's assistance.

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