Thread  RSS Whither 2214?

# 11088 20 years ago on Tue, May 31 2005 at 8:00 am

Dang, I'm gone for two weeks and...

What's the deal? I take it that 2214 is changing hands, but what are the details?

# 11089 20 years ago on Tue, May 31 2005 at 3:43 pm

Well, the deal is that Vega is doing the drawings and I'm managing the story.

The website has indeed changed hands and hosts. I was hoping to have the comic up and running days ago, but I've been hammered by assignments and work. Between that and preparing for exams in 3 weeks, things are rather hectic at the moment.

Last I heard Vega was starting on the next strip, but he's headed off to A-Kon or something today, so it will be a little while before the next page is ready.

I kind of wish that I had a recent copy of the Nitro engine as I could do with a comic manager about now, just to make my life easier. (Having said that, I haven't looked, and I think I will do that in just a few minutes.)

So yeah, Nothing is dead yet, just slow. (Well, we're not sure if Omni-T is dead yet, but Vega and I have been discussing possibilities.)

Nice to see you back though Starfyre

# 11090 20 years ago on Tue, May 31 2005 at 4:32 pm

No, I'm hitting A-Kon Thursday. No comic progress yet, as work's keeping me generally occupied and i think my art slump is still slightly there. May do something if I have the time tomorrow.

And the comic will continue at some sort of pace if I can manage it. Just in case, hunting for potentially more stable artists may not be a bad idea. Note that I may be more productive during the school year.

# 11091 20 years ago on Tue, May 31 2005 at 10:54 pm

heh ; Sorry for that little missunderstanding.

# 11092 20 years ago on Mon, Jun 6 2005 at 4:04 pm

*Hyperspaces in from Dallas/playing HW: Catacylsm.*

And, I'm bach. Maybe a con report later, if I can remember enough highlihgts. Otherwise, I'll mention that I have started drawing again and will therefore get to updating the comic posthaste, as it's a good week for me.

So, expect something soon, and hopefully good.

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