Thread  RSS Mysterious Booms

# 11190 13 years ago on Wed, May 2 2012 at 1:20 pm

Have you heard of the unexplained "boom" noises being heard in various areas in North America?

In particular, people in Clintonville, Wisconsin have been puzzled by these low-pitched noises. There's a bunch of theories about what it could be.

It was a bit more than a week and a half ago that residents of the town of 4,500 people west of Green Bay, Wis., said they were awakened from their sleep by loud booms that shook their houses. Night after night, there were more booms and more shaking.

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This is a fascinating development. No solid, logical explanation has come forward yet.


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# 11191 13 years ago on Wed, May 2 2012 at 4:44 pm

You could go out on a weird limb and say it's some kind of secret military tunnels being dug under the United States and the booms are the dynamite blasting for the tunnels.

You know, in New York City, there's constant construction of new subway tunnels several stories below the buildings and streets! People are given notifications inside some buildings to not be alarmed by the loud boom sounds they might hear (because of obvious reasons, people might get nervous if they hear explosions there).

If not some top-secret military project, perhaps it's some industrial noise source that travels through the ground because it's such a low frequency.

# 11192 13 years ago on Wed, May 2 2012 at 8:08 pm

I've heard about this on TV. They don't know what it is.

Please I hope nobody tries to say it's aliens.

That's not a knife.. THAT's a knife.

# 11193 13 years ago on Wed, May 2 2012 at 11:32 pm

It's most likely fracking. Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, has become more widespread in the past decade.

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It seems to be the most sensible explanation, especially considering the locations where the noises are being heard.

# 11194 13 years ago on Thu, May 3 2012 at 2:56 am

One problem with the fracking theory Kyler: If that's what it is, why don't the companies just come forward and explain that it's just them doing that?

For some reason I don't think that's the answer. They wouldn't cover that up - everybody already knows it's going on.

Where is my head

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