Thread  RSS Back to the Future - The Game

# 11494 14 years ago on Wed, Apr 13 2011 at 10:44 am

I recently purchased the Back to the Future PC game from Telltale Games. So far, I've played up to the third installment. The fourth installment is due to be released very soon and I expect it to be available for download within the next week or two.

My impressions so far:

The story is extremely compelling. Doc Brown has gone missing and Marty ends up discovering that he's ended up in the year 1935. It's a point-and-click adventure, which is Telltale's specialty (of Sam and Max fame) so the gameplay is fairly easy and relaxed in terms of pace. There are no game-overs; every scenario is playable until the player figures out the puzzle. In this way, the game may be seen as being too easy but some of the puzzles are a bit challenging and, in my opinion, this keeps the game interesting and fun.

I'll try to avoid spoiling too much of the story (unlike the movie, which I gratuitously spoiled with reckless abandon last year but the movie is over 25 years old) but the basic premise is similar to the movie trilogy: Traveling back in time leads to problems with the timeline. Things happen with Doc Brown that cause a dystopian police state in the year 1985, with Doc Brown at the top of the whole mess. It's very similar to the scenario depicted in George Orwell's "1984" and Marty has to convince the now stern and authoritarian Doc to help him undo the situation.

Ooops. I guess I spoiled it.


Hey, it's good. You should play it. You should also forget the spoilers above.

Christopher Lloyed voices Doc Brown in this game but Marty is voiced by A.J. Locascio.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 11495 14 years ago on Wed, Apr 13 2011 at 7:03 pm

Well, thanks a lot. Now it's spoiled raspberry

No, I'm sure it's a lot of fun to play. Sadly I don't have much time these days to invest in games - at least story based games - but I might check it out some day.

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 11496 14 years ago on Thu, Apr 14 2011 at 3:22 am

The art style of the game bugs me. I thought maybe it would take some getting used to but it's just weird looking. Not badly done, just weird, really weird looking.

They kind of resemble those creepy stress dolls.

# 11497 14 years ago on Thu, Apr 14 2011 at 11:41 am

Good, I'll have to pick this up on Steam at some point.

Maybe after I upgrade my graphics card, though these point-and-clicks tend to not require too much in terms of graphics power.

# 11498 14 years ago on Thu, Apr 14 2011 at 7:59 pm

It's definitely got Telltale's style to it from the artwork I've seen. I wouldn't call it weird at all. Maybe if you're used to seeing anime and nothing else but I think it looks pretty good.

I'm not at a point where I have time for games at all either, sadly.

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