Thread  RSS The Walking Dead by Telltale Games

# 11500 9 years ago on Thu, Jan 14 2016 at 8:48 pm

The Walking Dead by Telltale is a very dramatic game. It's like most zombie-apocalypse themeed games, shows, and movies - it's primarily focused on the survival of humans as they not only try to avoid being eaten by zombies but have to figure out how to gather enough food, water, and other supplies.

The main character in the first season is Lee, who was on his way to prison when the zombies (called walkers in the series) cause the police car to crash and he escapes. He takes refuge in a house where a girl named Clementine is hiding out. Lee and Clementine travel, looking for more surviving people, and the group gradually changes throughout their journey.

A lot of people die and this often happens after the player and main characters become attached to them. Except for Ben, he's garbage and always will be. Screw Ben.

"Hey, Ben."


"...See ya."

(inside joke)

Season 2 isn't quite the "feels trip" as season 1 and almost no characters from the first season are in season 2, with the exception of Clementine and one other notable exception that I won't reveal because I don't spoil things. UNLIKE NITRO glare Just kidding. raspberry

I'd recommend it. You'll feel things, but also have a lot of fun.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 11501 9 years ago on Thu, Jan 14 2016 at 10:41 pm

I friggin love this game, both series.

Zombie apocalypse games are among my all-time favorites. I hated to see what happened to Lee at the end of the first season but it has a lot to do with how Clementine changes in the second season.

Good, good game.

Where is my head

# 11502 9 years ago on Fri, Jan 15 2016 at 12:34 am

I don't spoil things. UNLIKE NITRO glare Just kidding. raspberry

Heh. Well.... what can I say? I'm kind of notorious for doing that kind of thing, eh?

Going forward, I'll try to avoid it.

Very good write-up on the game, man.

73's, KD8FUD

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