Thread  RSS PHP chart generator class

# 11545 9 years ago on Sat, Jan 16 2016 at 11:18 pm

Well, this is far from complete but it's a functional class to generate line, bar, and pie charts.

* This class facilitates the generation of charts!
* NOTE:  GD 2.0.1 or later is required!

class chart{

  // Creates a generic pallette of colors for general use.
  // Red, Green, Blue values.
  // IMPORTANT:  Keep all values above 20.
  var $colors = Array(
    0 => Array(240,50,24),
    1 => Array(200,180,24),
    2 => Array(100,240,160),
    3 => Array(50,80,210),
    4 => Array(80,40,190),
    5 => Array(240,70,10),  
  // Default background color.
  var $bgcolor = false;
  // Set the truetype font relative path to use in charts (will use getcwd(); as a prefix).
  var $font = 'trebuc.ttf';
  // Set the font size
  var $font_size = 5;
  // The working size enlargement factor, for oversampling.  This will result in better quality.  Must be 1 or higher!
  var $oversampling = 3;
  // The display string length cutoff for bar / line chart labels.
  var $bar_label_cutoff = 7;
  // The display string length cutoff for bar / line values.
  var $bar_value_cutoff = 6;
  // The display string length cutoff for pie chart labels.
  var $pie_label_cutoff = 18;
  // The display string length cutoff for pie chart values.
  var $pie_value_cutoff = 3;
  // The output file.  By default (false), it outputs directly instead of to a specified file.
  var $output_file = false;
  function setFontSize($x){
    $this->font_size = $x;
  function setOverSampling($x){
    $this->oversampling = $x;
  * Loads the font.
  function loadFont($path,$font_name){
    $this->font = $font_name;
  * Accepts a hex code for a background color.
  * @param $x = the color hex code.
  * @example 000000 for black, FFFFFF for white.
  function setBackgroundColor($h){
    $r = hexdec(substr($h,0,2));
    $g = hexdec(substr($h,2,2));
    $b = hexdec(substr($h,4,2));
    $this->bgcolor = Array($r,$g,$b);  
  * Allows easily specifying new colors by hex code.
  function makeColor($img,$h){
    $r = hexdec(substr($h,0,2));
    $g = hexdec(substr($h,2,2));
    $b = hexdec(substr($h,4,2));
    $a = (strlen($h) > 6) ? hexdec(substr($h,6,2)) : false;
    if($a === false){
      return imagecolorallocate($img,$r,$g,$b);
    } else {
      return imagecolorallocatealpha($img,$r,$g,$b,$a);
  * Allows setting a custom preset list of colors by hex code!
  * @param $a = a one-dimensional array of hex codes!  !tuna!
  * NOTE:  Leave OUT the '#' in the hex codes.
  function setColorsByHex($a){
    $this->colors = Array();
    foreach($a as $h){
      $r = hexdec(substr($h,0,2));
      $g = hexdec(substr($h,2,2));
      $b = hexdec(substr($h,4,2));
      $this->colors[] = Array($r,$g,$b);    
  * Generates a list of random colors.
  * @param $img = the GD image, passed by reference.
  * @param $n = how many random colors to generate.
  * @param $s = the brightness difference between light, medium, and dark shades.
  * @return $c = an array of the random colors.
  function getRandomColors(&$img,$n,$s=20){
    $c = Array('l'=>Array(),'d'=>Array());
    for($i=0;$i 255) ? 255 : $r + $s;
      $gh = ($g+$s > 255) ? 255 : $g + $s;
      $bh = ($b+$s > 255) ? 255 : $b + $s;
      $c['h'][] = imagecolorallocate($img,$rh,$gh,$bh);
      $c['l'][] = imagecolorallocate($img,$r,$g,$b);
      $c['d'][] = imagecolorallocate($img,$r-$s,$g-$s,$b-$s);
    return $c;
  function setRandomColors($n,$s=20){
    $c = Array();
    for($i=0;$icolors = $c;
  * Same as above but uses the list of pre-defined colors instead of a random, variable-length list.
  function getPresetColors(&$img,$s=20){
    $c = Array('l'=>Array(),'d'=>Array());
    foreach($this->colors as $color){
      $r = ($color[0] < $s) ? $color[0] + $s : $color[0];
      $g = ($color[1] < $s) ? $color[1] + $s : $color[1];
      $b = ($color[2] < $s) ? $color[2] + $s : $color[2];
      $rh = ($r+$s > 255) ? 255 : $r + $s;
      $gh = ($g+$s > 255) ? 255 : $g + $s;
      $bh = ($b+$s > 255) ? 255 : $b + $s;
      $c['h'][] = imagecolorallocate($img,$rh,$gh,$bh);
      $c['l'][] = imagecolorallocate($img,$r,$g,$b);
      $c['d'][] = imagecolorallocate($img,$r-$s,$g-$s,$b-$s);
    return $c;  
  * Sets up the preset background color.
  function getBackgroundColor(&$img){
    if($this->bgcolor !== false){
      $r = $this->bgcolor[0];
      $g = $this->bgcolor[1];
      $b = $this->bgcolor[2];
      return imagecolorallocate($img,$r,$g,$b);
    } else {
      return imagecolorallocatealpha($img,0,0,0,127);
  * Generates a pie chart.  Mmm, pie.
  * @param $d = an array of data in key => value pairs.  The values must be numeric.
  * @param $x = the x position of the chart center.
  * @param $y = the y position of the chart center.
  * @param $cw = the width of the chart.
  * @param $ch = the height of the chart.
  * @param $w = the width of the overall image.
  * @param $h = the height of the overall image.
  * @param $kw = the width of the key.
  * @param $t = (optional) the 'thickness' of the pie chart.
  * @param $s = (optional) the spacing, in degrees, between pie slices.  Mmm, pie...
  * @param $f = (optional) the formatting of the key labels.  Regular string by default.
  function createPieChart($d,$x,$y,$cw,$ch,$w,$h,$kw=300,$t=8,$s=6,$f='%s'){
    // Oversampling adjustments
    $nw = $w;
    $nh = $h;
    $cw = $cw * $this->oversampling;
    $ch = $ch * $this->oversampling;
    $w = $w * $this->oversampling;
    $h = $h * $this->oversampling;
    $x = $x * $this->oversampling;
    $y = $y * $this->oversampling;
    $t = $t * $this->oversampling;
    $kw = $kw * $this->oversampling;
    // Start image
    $img = imagecreatetruecolor($w,$h);
    // Get colors
    // $colors = $this->getRandomColors($img,25,30);
    $colors = $this->getPresetColors($img,30);
    $bgcolor = $this->getBackgroundColor($img);
    // Make some more colors.
    $black = $this->makeColor($img,'000000');
    $grey = $this->makeColor($img,'eeeeee');
    $darkgrey = $this->makeColor($img,'00000066');
    $white = $this->makeColor($img,'ffffff');
    // Apply the background color.
    // Calculate the percentage / corresponding degrees-out-of-360 for each value given in the data.
    $sum = 0;
    $deg = Array();
    $pct = Array();
    foreach($d as $n => $v){ $sum += $v; }
    foreach($d as $n => $v){
      $degrees = round(360 * ($v / $sum)) - $s;
      // Permit not the degrees to be less than 1.      
      $deg[] = ($degrees < 1) ? 1 : $degrees;
      $pct[$n] = round(($v / $sum) * 100);
    $tc = count($colors['d']); // Total number of available pallete colors.  Resets to first if we run out.
    $hlt = 2 * $this->oversampling; // Highlight ridge thickness
    // Create the underlying '3D' 'stack' of slices. (Repetitively make and overlay them, moving each iteration up 1px)
      $dgt = 0; // Starting angle.
      $cc = 0; // Counter for colors      
      $shade = ($i  360) ? 360 : $dgt;
    // Create the top-layer pie slices.
    $dgt = 0; // Starting angle.
    $cc = 0; // Counter for colors
    foreach($deg as $dg){
      if($cc == $tc) $cc = 0;
      $dgt += $dg + $s;
      $dgt = ($dgt > 360) ? 360 : $dgt;

    // Create the key to the chart.
    $key_margin = 8 * $this->oversampling;
    $key_padding = 10 * $this->oversampling;
    $key_start_x_pos = $w - $kw - $key_margin + $key_padding;
    $key_start_y_pos = $key_margin + $key_padding;
    $key_bg_x_pos = $w - $kw - $key_margin;
    $key_bg_y_pos = $key_margin;
    $kbgso = 2 * $this->oversampling; // Key background shadow offset
    $cc = 0; // Color Counter.
    $xpos = $key_start_x_pos;
    $ypos = $key_start_y_pos;
    $ygap_factor = 1.2 * $this->oversampling;
    $yspacing = round((($this->font_size + ($this->font_size / $ygap_factor))) * $this->oversampling);
    $square_size = 6 * $this->oversampling * 2;
    $text_indent = 11 * $this->oversampling * 2;
    $font_size = $this->font_size * $this->oversampling * 2;
    $bw = 2 * $this->oversampling; // Border widths
    // Draw the chart background
    //$this->roundedRectangle($img,$key_bg_x_pos+$kbgso,$key_bg_y_pos+$kbgso,$w-$key_margin+$kbgso,$h-$key_margin+$kbgso,8*$this->oversampling,$darkgrey); // Key bg Shadow
    //$this->roundedRectangle($img,$key_bg_x_pos,$key_bg_y_pos,$w-$key_margin,$h-$key_margin,8*$this->oversampling,$grey); // Main key background
    // Draw the chart background.
    foreach($d as $n => $v){      
      if($cc == $tc) $cc = 0;      
      imagettftext($img,$font_size,0,$xpos+$text_indent,$ypos+$square_size,$black,$this->font,$n.' '.sprintf($f,$v).' ('.$pct[$n].'%)');
      $ypos += $yspacing * $this->oversampling;
    // Plot the percentage value labels on the chart.
    // NOTE:  This was really tough!
    $ld = 22 * $this->oversampling * 2; // Label distance, from edge of chart.
    $lda_x = - 18 * $this->oversampling; // Label position adjustment.
    $lda_y = + 16 * $this->oversampling; // Label position adjustment.
    $dgc = 0;
    $dgi = 0;
    foreach($d as $n => $v){
      $dg = $deg[$dgi];
      $dgc += $dg + $s;
      $dg_centered = $dgc - ($dg / 2) - $s;
      $t = $this->getEllipticalPolar($x,$y,$cw,$ch,$dg_centered,$ld);
      $tx = $t['x'] + $lda_x;
      $ty = $t['y'] + $lda_y;
      // Prevent x coordinate from being pushed off-image.
      $tx = ($tx < 1*$this->oversampling) ? $this->oversampling : $tx;

    // Down-sample the image to the intended size.
    $newimg = imagecreatetruecolor($nw,$nh);
    $img = $newimg;
    // Return the final image.
    header('Content-type: image/png');
  * Calculates the x,y coordinates for a given set of polar coordinates in an ellipse.
  * @param $x = the x coordinate of the ellipse center.
  * @param $y = the y coordinate of the ellipse center.
  * @param $w = the width of the ellipse. NOTE:  This will serve as the measurement used for the radius.
  * @param $h = the height of the ellipse.  The resulting coordinates will be adjusted to the aspect ratio of the ellipse.
  * @param $a = the angle from the ellipse center to calculate the final coordinate pair.
  * @param $d = the distance from the edge of the ellipse at which to plot the final coordinates.
  * @return Array = the pair of coordintes, x and y, relative to the ellipse center, adjusted for the ellipse aspect ratio.
  function getEllipticalPolar($x,$y,$w,$h,$a,$d=0){
    $rads = $a * (M_PI / 180); // Convert angle degress to radians.
    $l = ($w / 2) + $d; // Length of radius.
    $kx = $l * cos($rads);
    $ky = $l * sin($rads); // We're calculating for a circle radius right now.
    // Now, adjust height coordinate for the aspect ratio.
    $ratio = $h / $w;
    $ky = $ky * $ratio;
    // Return the coordinates, rounded to integers.
    return Array(
      'x' => $x + round($kx),
      'y' => $y + round($ky),
  function roundedRectangle($im,$x,$y,$cx,$cy,$rad,$col){
    // Draw the middle cross shape of the rectangle
    $dia = $rad*2;
    // Now fill in the rounded corners
    imagefilledellipse($im, $x+$rad, $y+$rad, $rad*2, $dia, $col);
    imagefilledellipse($im, $x+$rad, $cy-$rad, $rad*2, $dia, $col);
    imagefilledellipse($im, $cx-$rad, $cy-$rad, $rad*2, $dia, $col);
    imagefilledellipse($im, $cx-$rad, $y+$rad, $rad*2, $dia, $col);
  function createBarChart($d,$w,$h,$c='000000'){
    // Oversampling adjustments
    $nw = $w;
    $nh = $h;
    $w = $w * $this->oversampling;
    $h = $h * $this->oversampling;
    // Start image
    $img = imagecreatetruecolor($w,$h);
    // Get colors
    // $colors = $this->getRandomColors($img,25,30);
    $colors = $this->getPresetColors($img,30);
    $bgcolor = $this->getBackgroundColor($img);
    // Make some more colors.
    $black = $this->makeColor($img,'000000');
    $grey = $this->makeColor($img,'cccccc');
    $darkgrey = $this->makeColor($img,'00000066');
    $white = $this->makeColor($img,'ffffff');
    // Make the specified main bar color.
    $main_color = $this->makeColor($img,$c);
    // Apply the background color.
    $bar_spacing = 8 * $this->oversampling;
    $top_margin = 16 * $this->oversampling;
    $right_margin = 12 * $this->oversampling;
    $left_margin = 64 * $this->oversampling;
    $bottom_margin = 35 * $this->oversampling * 2;
    // Calculate the widths, heights, and positioning of each bar and plot it.
    $max = 1; // 1 so we don't divide by zero if all values are zero.
    $bar_total = 0;
    $bars = Array();
    foreach($d as $v){ $max = ($v > $max) ? $v : $max; $bar_total++;}
    foreach($d as $n => $v){
      $bars[$n]['h'] = round(($h - $top_margin - $bottom_margin) * ($v / $max));
      $bars[$n]['w'] = round(($w - $left_margin - $right_margin) / $bar_total) - $bar_spacing;    
    // Create background gridlines
    for($i=1;$ifont_size * $this->oversampling * 2;
    foreach($bars as $n => $bar){
      $xpos = $xpos + $bar['w'] + $bar_spacing;      
    // Create vertical scale
    // Calculate quarter-marks along the vertical scale.
    // Down-sample the image to the intended size.
    $newimg = imagecreatetruecolor($nw,$nh);
    // Return the final image.
    header('Content-type: image/png');

function createLineChart($d,$w,$h,$c='000000',$line_thickness=4){
    // Oversampling adjustments
    $nw = $w;
    $nh = $h;
    $w = $w * $this->oversampling;
    $h = $h * $this->oversampling;
    // Start image
    $img = imagecreatetruecolor($w,$h);
    // Get colors
    // $colors = $this->getRandomColors($img,25,30);
    $colors = $this->getPresetColors($img,30);
    $bgcolor = $this->getBackgroundColor($img);
    // Make some more colors.
    $black = $this->makeColor($img,'000000');
    $grey = $this->makeColor($img,'cccccc');
    $darkgrey = $this->makeColor($img,'888888');
    $white = $this->makeColor($img,'ffffff');
    // Make the specified main bar color.
    $main_color = $this->makeColor($img,$c);
    // Apply the background color.
    $top_margin = 6 * $this->oversampling;
    $right_margin = 12 * $this->oversampling;
    $left_margin = 44 * $this->oversampling;
    $bottom_margin = 44 * $this->oversampling;
    // Calculate the widths, heights, and positioning of each bar and plot it.
    $max = 1; // 1 so we don't divide by zero if all values are zero.
    $point_total = 0;
    $points = Array();
    foreach($d as $v){ $max = ($v > $max) ? $v : $max; $point_total++;}
    foreach($d as $n => $v){
      $points[$n] = (($h - $top_margin - $bottom_margin) * ($v / $max));
    // Determine interval for X axis labels
    $x_label_interval = ($point_total / 10);
    // Calculate point gap based on how many points exist.
    $point_gap = (($w - $left_margin - $right_margin) / $point_total);
    // Create background gridlines
    for($i=1;$ifont_size * $this->oversampling;
    // Repeat the line drawing procedure, for thickness.
    $prev_xpos = $xpos; // Starting X position.
    $prev_ypos = $ypos; // Starting Y position.
    $counter = 0;
    foreach($points as $n => $point){
      if(((($counter % $x_label_interval) == 0) && (($counter + $x_label_interval) < $point_total)) || ($counter == $point_total - 1)){
      $prev_xpos = $xpos;
      $prev_ypos = $ypos-$point;
      $xpos = $xpos + $point_gap;
    // Create vertical scale
    // Calculate quarter-marks along the vertical scale.
    // Down-sample the image to the intended size.
    $newimg = imagecreatetruecolor($nw,$nh);
    // Return the final image.
    if($this->output_file === false){
      header('Content-type: image/png');
    } else {



// error_reporting(E_ALL);
// Proving Grounds - Examples and usage guide (mainly just remnants of testing phase!)


$chart = new nitro_charts();

// Set colors.
$colors = Array(
// $chart->setBackgroundColor('ffffff');

// Set font path and font file name.

$d = Array('men'=>17,'mice'=>34,'donuts'=>173,'tires'=>82,'fire'=>3;




// Make the object.
$chart = new nitro_charts();
// Set the font.
// Make some random dummy data for testing.
$d = Array();
// Whammo.


73's, KD8FUD

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