Thread  RSS Where did everybody go? Seriously...?

# 11670 14 years ago on Thu, Jan 27 2011 at 12:43 pm

Thanks for the kind words, Miroku. Things are getting a lot better as I've had some time to adjust and make some big changes. I've moved to a new apartment and, luckily, there's good high speed Internet here. My position at my work has changed, for the better, and I'm a little busier than usual at the moment but things will settle down soon enough. smiley

Y'know I did have a bad dream the other night about this web site. It was a little on the creepy side and I'm not really sure how to interpret it but it's just a dream, after all.


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# 11671 14 years ago on Sat, Jan 29 2011 at 8:47 pm

Hey, Yohji. Glad to hear your situation is improving.

Also, I'd be interested in hearing more about your dream, if you'd not mind sharing that.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 11672 14 years ago on Tue, Feb 1 2011 at 4:51 am

Ditto, please tell about the dream

# 11673 14 years ago on Thu, Feb 3 2011 at 12:54 pm

Miroku, congratulations on your marriage and your new house! smiley

Yohji, I am sorry for your loss and to hear that things have been rough in the aftermath. I wish you the best and hope you do stay in touch.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 11674 14 years ago on Sat, Feb 5 2011 at 8:58 pm

Thank you all for the kind words. yes

Regarding the dream, like I said, it was vague and difficult to understand.

Well, in it, I was trying to log on but it was on a really bad dial-up connection and, in the dream, I had to (somehow) use an old phone booth on the outskirts of town with one of those old acoustic coupler (I think that's what there were called, the ones Matthew Broderick's character used in "War Games") modem to connect my laptop to the pay phone.

Anyways, when I managed to get a connection, my AOL instant messenger couldn't log in and I had an e-mail saying that it had been hacked. Also when I tried to log in to the Megatokyo forums and the Nitrocosm forums, both of them appeared hacked and had some strange looking logo or symbol thing that was all blurry and a bunch of numbers underneath it. The screen faded between black and red and looked all staticky; really not anything like a normal web page and more like a video with a stuttering frame rate or something.

I just remember getting really freaked out and it gave me the feeling that the forums, maybe the Internet, had been "destroyed" permanently and that it wasn't going to come back. It was a very sad and also angry feeling, like more grief on top of losing my mom and having to sell the house.

Probably what it was, it was related to everything that had happened in real life and those feelings just kind of manifested in the dream in an abstract way. Like more loss spiraling out of control.


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