Thread  RSS Angela Merkel To Be New Jell-O Spokesperson

# 11880 9 years ago on Tue, Jan 26 2016 at 4:35 pm

Thought this might be interesting:

With Bill Cosby embroiled in a series of sexual assault charges, Jell-O (a brand owned by Kraft-Heinz (NASDAQ: KHC)) has been searching for a new spokesperson to begin a television and Internet advertising campaign. The chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, who has been chancellor since 2005, has worked out a deal for a handful of video spots promoting the brand's line of pudding snacks.

"Excellent dippity is just that," replied Merkel in a candid Interview Monday. "Flavored me is just that. You sounds like a good thing. Ich bin ein pudding pop!"

When former spokesperson Bill Cosby was asked about Merkel's new relationship with Jell-O, he responded: "Ob gob zip dippity-doo! Dauuugh, eat yer puddin' pops."

Well, there you go.

(This post was edited 9 years ago on Tuesday, January 26th, 2016 at 4:45 pm)

Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world.

-- Lily Tomlin

# 11884 9 years ago on Tue, Jan 26 2016 at 6:55 pm

Honestly, I can think of no one better.


# 11934 9 years ago on Fri, Jan 29 2016 at 10:25 pm

I thought for sure there was some international law forbidding current heads of state from being featured in advertisements. Since it's Jell-O, I'm sure all governing bodies are too busy enjoying their delicious bribes treats to care.

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