Thread  RSS Goodbye, Forums.

# 12283 15 years ago on Wed, Dec 23 2009 at 2:32 pm

New article in News (Regular musings and updates): Goodbye, Forums.

The site forums have been through a lot over the years; they had been reset, taken down, and re-built several times since June 2003. Today, after a very extended period of non-use by the 2214 community, I've decided to fully archive them and remove them from the live site.

The Internet has changed quite a bit and the traffic on has, too. Forum use was very infrequent, to say the least; most of the regulars have long since stopped posting in them. It seemed, at times, that people would simply post anything just to see if anyone was still around to respond.

After some discussion with several of the old regulars, it was agreed that the forums were probably not going to be useful and I opted to try something new - social networking tools.

Right... I mentioned not too long about how I didn't particularly care for social networking. Google's Friend Connect sounds like something worth trying...

Read the rest of the article here: user link on

"If it weren't for my lawyer I'd still be in prison. It went a lot faster with two people digging."

-- Joe Martin

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