Thread  RSS The 2214 Epiphany

# 12314 16 years ago on Sun, Aug 23 2009 at 3:05 am

New article in News (Regular musings and updates): The 2214 Epiphany

Only once in a few years do I manage to have a dream vivid enough that falls within the category of bizarre dreams that inspired 2214. This would be the fourth dream that has been integrated into 2214's storyline.

The comic's story itself is a nexus of ideas from dreams and interpretations of real-world events. Since the latest dream - had on Auguest 22, 2009 at 10:00 am EST, I have been quite busy updating the storyline notes and adding many parts of the story that wouldn't have otherwise been considered.

The first dream took place in the summer of 1992 and inspired the Pandora mobile lab building and the two Dr. Maxwells. The second dream inspired Pandora itself along with Saja and Virulyde and took place in the spring of 2000. The third dream was brief and inspired Taygeta some time in 2004. This final dream brings up chapter 8 in all of its bizarre, confusing form.

Of course, the storyline gives a wink and a nod to events that happened in real life, locally, although the references are more ...

Read the rest of the article here: user link on

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