Thread  RSS The conclusion is in sight

# 12332 15 years ago on Sat, Jul 17 2010 at 6:32 am

New article in News (Regular musings and updates): The conclusion is in sight

I've been working on consolidating all of my script notes for 2214 as the updates finally resume this year. The remainder of 2214's story is planned out in a handful of text files, all typed in a rush in order to get all of my ideas written down before I forgot them. The result was quite unorganized.This week I've finally laid out a road map to the conclusion of the story and now have a more concise script from which to create the remaining storyboards. Right now, we're looking at one more chapter after the current one; there are ten chapters in all. The rest of the writing is merely choosing the timing and wording of the dialogue and pacing that dialogue in the page storyboards.The 2214 web comic should conclude in late 2010 if everything stays on schedule. This includes a lot of time set aside for working on the animation project, which should be finished in the late Fall. It's my goal to have...

Read the rest of the article here: user link on

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-- Edward Bulwer-Ly

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