Super Poster
Kokomo, Indiana
Posts: 1488
Here are all the details I could put together for the two recordings:
Kokomo, Indiana Recording:
Sunday, December 16, 2007, 21:19:00
28.425 MHz, Upper side band
40.414137, -86.123736
Antenna: Handheld Yagi, pointed 123 degrees (based on landmarks) (to the southeast)
Grand Canyon, South Rim:
Ten X Campground
Monday, September 24, 2007, 00:38:10
7.1505 MHz, All modes (USB,LSB,AM,CW)
35.934449, -112.121709
Antenna: Portable single vertical pole (located outside of tent)
Hope this information is useful.
73's, KD8FUD

Santa Monica, California
Posts: 68
I'm hearing a lot of interesting stuff in that first recording.
There's a "tick" sound in there, maybe some kind of clock in your car or bleedover from a time station (although the closest one should be the shortwave time station on 25 MHz) and the echo is interesting, I measured it at a little over 3 seconds and the first echo is damn strong with the third echo being almost inaudible. Then the echo actually takes longer toward the end! Over 10 seconds from the sound of it.
You were transmitting a couple of times over someone else's signal (sounded like morse or teletype) in the recording, don't know if you were aware of that but you likely interfered with their transmission.
I'm also surprised nobody else responded to you. Curious as to where that intereference originated, could have just been local to your car, was your car running when you were recording that? Car engine noise is notorious for interfering with CB and ham radio inside the car. To be honest it really sounds like that might have been the case, were you holding the antenna out the window or just inside the car?
One last thing, that interference sound has a definite up and down pattern to it, it's a slowly repeating pattern through the whole recording. So, that's an interesting recording you have there.
About HAARP: They shut it down not to long ago, I don't remember exactly when, so that's another reason why that probably wasn't the source.
If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun.
Super Poster
Kokomo, Indiana
Posts: 1488
Quaz, I had the window rolled down and the antenna was outside of the car pointed toward what I could see of the city lights over Elwood, Indiana, which would have been almost 18 miles to the southeast of where I was sitting, which was in a church parking lot next to a back road that led to the parsonage. I had gotten out of my car earlier and talked to one of the church's trustees and told him what I was doing.
The car's engine was definitely off. I had gotten out of the car a few times but it was really cold (only about 20 degrees Fahrenheit, IIRC) so I did have to turn on the engine to heat the car up. The spark plugs / electrical system produced a very audible whine in the audio so I turned the car off whenever recording.
I was only out there for maybe a half hour before driving back to Middletown. I had been on my way home anyway, about a 3 hour drive because I think I got home just a bit after midnight and had to get enough sleep to be at work the next morning (I worked full-time at Clear Channel in Cincinnati at the time but was doing a couple of freelance projects for an outfit in Kokomo).
(This post was edited 9 years ago on Wednesday, February 24th, 2016 at 6:21 pm)
73's, KD8FUD

Phoenix, Arizona
Posts: 846
That LDE recording is insane! As Quaz pointed out, the echo time actually changes later in the recording from a few seconds to several more seconds. Also, the strength of the echoed signal is unusually strong and clear.
My guess is that someone in that area may have been re-transmitting but that's not something that anyone's going to be able to do all of the time because they'd get caught.
I do think that the interference noise has to be from something inside the car, even if the engine were shut off, the power source for the radio or something like that could be producing that.
"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"
Posts: 163
The way that echo is on that first recording is... well, my first impression is that someone's re-transmitting it. The delay starts out right at 3 1/2 seconds and, later on, the delay is as much as 15 seconds! That's a distance of whatever would be reflecting the signal changing from 326 thousand miles to 1.4 million miles! That's out 87 thousand miles further than the moon (on average) to over 5 times as far away as the moon.
Just, no. We had something like that out there reflecting signals willy-nilly and moving that fast (over 6 million miles per hour) and NASA would be all over that. It would be all over the news; it's not the kind of thing that would operate by stealth for nearly 10 minutes.
So there has to be another explanation. The radio signals were not merely being reflected.
(This post was edited 9 years ago on Wednesday, February 24th, 2016 at 11:19 pm)
For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. -- Carl Sagan