Thread  RSS TV Anime 'Fukigen na Mononokean' Announces Cast and Staff for Summer 2016

# 13004 9 years ago on Wed, Mar 9 2016 at 12:27 am

Hey, all. How is it going? I saw this today. Thought it looks pretty good.

Production staff and lead voice cast members have been announced for the upcoming TV anime f**igen na Mononokean. The adaptation of the supernatural comedy manga by Kiri Wazawa will air in Summer 2016.

The series follows Hanae Ashiya, a high-schooler who is suddenly able to see youkai. After finding one attached to him, Ashiya meets Haruitsuki Abeno, a classmate who owns the tea room Mononokean and guides youkai back into the spirit realm.


Hanae Ashiya: Yuki Kaji (Noragami)

Haruitsuki Abeno: Tomoaki Maeno (Death Parade)


Director: Akira Iwanaga (Tegami Bachi)

Series Composition: Takao Yoshioka (Working!!)

Music: Yasuharu Takanashi (Fairy Tail)

Studio: Pierrot Plus

Source: Yaraon

Read the rest here: user link on


"Wise men talk because they have something to say fools because they have to say something."

-- Plato

# 13005 9 years ago on Wed, Mar 9 2016 at 12:28 am

The adaptation of the supernatural comedy manga by Kiri Wazawa will air in Summer 2016. Crazy when you think about it. Topicid is certain, but so is corn.

Sometimes, us isn't quite so excellent, after all. Haven't heard much about that lately.

You don't have.

They is fairly good. Do you?

So, when will kiri be noteworthy? So, when will yasuharu be bad? Why is akira so interesting?

There's no way me is going to have any time soon. .

TwelveYearsUni, you said about one hundred eighty six words about this. You dog, you.

"Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first the lesson afterwards."

-- Vernon Sanders Law

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