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# 13833 8 years ago on Sun, Oct 23 2016 at 10:59 pm

Hehehe, the BEES. smiley

Nice to hear from you all again. As far as the RP goes, yes, but I can really only be active mainly on the weekends and, on occasion, in the evenings wink

(This post was edited 8 years ago on Sunday, October 23rd, 2016 at 10:59 pm)

The blue sky is infinitely high, crystal clear...that's what the world should be...a world of infinite possibilities, laid before us, crystal clear"

# 13836 8 years ago on Fri, Oct 28 2016 at 12:06 pm

Things get a little more busy around this time of year with the kids having after school activities but, trust me, I still lurk! yay

Happy bees make happy cheese!

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 13838 8 years ago on Fri, Oct 28 2016 at 7:11 pm

Whew, pulling some late night sessions at work lately. At least when I'm here late they don't get on my case if I tether to my laptop and do a little surfing to take a break.

I was just thinking about how long ago it was when most of us met in the original Virulyde forums. Makes me really think about stuff, in a good way.

It would be nice if enough people were on to do a group chat session again. If you guys could post what times you usually log in, maybe we could schedule something?

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 13846 8 years ago on Mon, Oct 31 2016 at 1:03 pm

On Saturday, October 29th, 2016 at 12:11 am, Wolfwood29 said:

I was just thinking about how long ago it was when most of us met in the original Virulyde forums. Makes me really think about stuff, in a good way.

I can't remember when I joined but I think it was long after that old site was gone. I want to say it was around 2006 but I can't remember for sure.

The blue sky is infinitely high, crystal clear...that's what the world should be...a world of infinite possibilities, laid before us, crystal clear"

# 13847 8 years ago on Mon, Oct 31 2016 at 1:14 pm

Hey, hey!

Sorry I've been away for so long. You know how it is, busy, lots of things going on in life.

I'm not really available to role play these days but I'll definitely read it if it gets started.

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