Thread  RSS Unaired Blu-ray Episode of 'Musaigen no Phantom World' Announced

# 13154 9 years ago on Wed, Mar 30 2016 at 4:11 pm

Get a load of this.

A commercial aired at the conclusion of the Winter 2016 anime Musaigen no Phantom World (Myriad Colors Phantom World) has announced that an unaired episode will be included in the seventh Blu-ray volume of the series. That volume is scheduled to go on sale on October 5, 2016.

Kyoto Animation's adaptation of the light novels by Souichirou Hatano aired its 13th and final episode at midnight Japan time on Thursday. The first Blu-ray volume (pictured) containing the first two episodes of the series is scheduled to go on sale on April 6.

Musaigen no Phantom World received an honorable mention in the 4th Kyoto Animation Awards in 2013. The award is for original works that include novels, manga, and scripts, and the winning works had a chance to get an anime adaptation by the studio.


Source: Otakomu

The original story: user link on

I'll keep watching this.

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