Locked Thread  RSS Chrome Symphony - Chapter 4

# 13281 9 years ago on Wed, Apr 13 2016 at 6:31 am

Shell had managed to download a copy of the sphere's data right before it fell on the mecha. Her mind was exhausted but she wanted to make sure she had a copy in case Duncan failed to get everything.

Shell ran over to Jess, Atlas, and Renk. Duncan climbed down the ladders, making his way down from the catwalks.

The sphere began to explode, causing fire and smoke to hurl out into the room. Duncan was almost knocked off a ladder on his way down but managed to reach the floor without being injured.

"Duncan!" yelled Shell. "How much of the data did you get out of that overgrown pinball?"

"Everything," replied Duncan.

"Good," she replied. "We have redundancy. Let's try to get out of here alive so we can turn it over to Dr. Thameh."

An enormous explosion rang out from the center of the room as the giant metal ball continued to self destruct.

Shell yelled out to everyone. "We can't stay in here! In about five more minutes, this baby's gonna BLOW!"

In the confusion, General Mulhauser broke away from Elise. She shot him in the leg but he continued to run toward the exploding machine in the center of the room.

General Mulhauser began to laugh maniacally. "Ha ha ha! You'll all find out!"

The general walked up to the ball, which started to glow red and then a bright white as it fractured. He touched it with his hand and began to dissolve into a white light.


The entire room began to heat up to an almost unbearable temperature, as if it were an oven.

Atlas ran to the elevator door at the end of the exit and motioned everyone to follow him. "We can't stick around for the show, folks," he yelled.

Shell quickly hacked the access code to the emergency elevator. Everyone piled into the elevator and it ascended at a high speed.

When the doors opened, the group found themselves in a passenger shuttle dock located on the opposite side of the asteroid from the weapons manufacturing facility. They hurried over to one of the shuttles as the asteroid shook violently. Shell connected to the shuttle's locking panel and was able to open the door in a matter of seconds.

As everyone took their seats, Shell attempted to reconnect to the wireless network. As soon as a connection was established, Shell called Dr. Thameh.

"Dr. Thameh! Can you pinpoint our position?"

It took a few seconds but Camay responded, "Shell Lockheed! You're ALIVE?!"

"Yes, but not for long if we can't get this shuttle moving," replied Shell.

Atlas and Renk were desperately trying to activate the controls in the cockpit. Finally, the engines came on.

"Hang on, it's going to be a rough launch," replied Camay. "I can't seem to control it from here very well. Something on the asteroid is interfering with the network."

The shuttle blasted out of the dock, hurtling across the asteroid's landscape before eventually gaining enough altitude to break away from the asteroid's weak gravity. As the shuttle got further away from the asteroid, the shuttle's course became more controlled.

"I can't believe you're all alive," said Camay. "How did you all manage to get out of there?"

Shell and Duncan noticed that the 'net had returned to normal. Shell immediately uploaded the data she had taken from the core to the L1 colony's servers.

(This post was edited 9 years ago on Wednesday, April 13th, 2016 at 6:04 pm)

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 13289 9 years ago on Wed, Apr 13 2016 at 5:13 pm

The shuttle arrived back at the colony dock. Jess returned to her hotel room and Atlas went for a walk around the city. The rest of the group quietly returned to Dr. Thameh's conference room for a meeting. Duncan had called Dr. Thameh and had a long discussion on the return trip from Near Asteroid 726.

Dr. Thameh greeted the group and everyone took their seats around the table.

"First off, I'm glad to see you all made it back," said Camay. "We were certain for a while that you had all perished in the explosion."

Duncan stood up and walked over next to Camay. "As you have probably guessed," said Duncan, "I gave Dr. Thameh a full report during the shuttle trip back to the colony."

Camay nodded. "I received the data that Duncan and Shell retrieved from the device on the asteroid. It appears to be random noise but we'll continue to attempt brute-force cracking to decrypt it, if there's anything to decrypt."

Duncan sighed. "Unfortunately, our main mission failed."

Camay put the sphere's security logs on the screen behind her. "That device on NEA726 confirmed that the proximity bio-metrics of Richard Price were lost at the time of the explosion, confirming his death," she told Shell, Renk, and Elise. "General Mulhauser appears to have perished as well, although we don't have a way to confirm that."

"Dr. Ray Heimborem has been arrested under suspicion of furnishing the Herei Mob Army with powerful explosives," added Duncan. "What was supposed to be decoy cargo was actually smuggled material, using our mission as cover."

Duncan walked over and took a seat next to Shell. He leaned back in his seat and shut his eyes, exhausted.

"NEA726 was the Herei Mob Army's central base of operations," said Camay. "Shortly after your departure from the asteroid, it disappeared without a trace. We have all of our astronomers searching for an explanation. The good news is..."

"The Herei Mob Army is history!" interrupted Renk. "Furthermore, I've gotten word that the military found out about General f***** and they've been made aware that we destroyed whatever it was he was trying to use."

"So we're not suspected as criminals?" asked Shell.

"Bingo," replied Renk. "As far as the military's concerned, we're all cleared of suspicion. I'm expected back on main base tomorrow, so I'll be heading back as soon as possible."

Duncan yawned. "I'll be heading home, too. Dr. Thameh, if it's fine with you, I'd like to take the first available shuttle back to Earth. There's quite a bit of research I need to do."

Shell nodded. "I'm heading back, too. I need to find a new job, after all."

Camay waved at the group as everyone stood up and headed out. "Please keep in touch," she told Duncan.

Duncan, Shell, and Renk met Atlas and Elise at the colony's shuttle docks and boarded a chartered shuttle headed to Earth. Atlas was very silent during the trip. It was obvious that the recent events weighed on him.

Halfway back to Earth, Duncan received a message from Jess:

Mr. Sorenson, please forward this message to Shell and the others.

I had a long talk with Randall. He didn't know why my accounts were frozen but he spoke to the bank and the account is now back to normal. You and the others will receive payment for your services. Regardless of how things turned out, you all risked your lives to help me and the very least I can do is offer you all a prompt payment. While I didn't directly hire Elise, please let her know she's going to receive a hefty sum for her time and for all of the equipment.

There will be a public memorial service for my father next week. It will be broadcast on the news networks but you are all invited to attend if you would like.

The false reports of my death have been corrected in the news channels as well. As things stand, I am now the president of Crest Corporation. Dr. Ray Heimborem will stand trial for treason once the investigation is complete.

Lastly, as the new president of Crest Corporation, if you or Shell are interested in a job, please contact me. Let Atlas know that my offer to him still stands, too.

I'm going to be very busy for a while. Hope to see you all soon.

- Jess Price

Duncan grinned, just a bit. She's become much more mature, he thought.

The shuttle landed at the space dock in City N. As everyone disembarked, Duncan waved goodbye to Elise, Shell, Renk, and Atlas.

Their adventure had ended but many unanswered questions remained.



(This post was edited 9 years ago on Wednesday, April 13th, 2016 at 6:07 pm)

73's, KD8FUD

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