Thread  RSS Chrome Symphony Timeline

# 13280 9 years ago on Wed, Apr 13 2016 at 5:53 am

Wow, that's some NICE attention to detail! As far as I can tell, everything checks out. Reading your latest post, this timeline is actually quite useful.

I must say, however, that our group must have moved through the facility VERY quickly based on this timeline.

EDIT: By the way, with the specific times, I see what you did there. wink You obviously have been paying close attention.

(This post was edited 9 years ago on Wednesday, April 13th, 2016 at 5:54 am)

73's, KD8FUD

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# 13297 9 years ago on Thu, Apr 14 2016 at 8:36 am

I'm going to toss a few more dates in the timeline for Episode III:

2216-02-05: E-mail between Richard price and anonymous person at EMA corporation

2216-02-06: EMA HQ destroyed, Richard Price kidnapped

2216-02-07: Group meets Jess, goes to street doctor, Atlas gets fed at Velvet Room, group 'net dive

2216-02-08: Attempt to rescue Renk, EMA facility mission

2216-02-09: Group takes shuttle to L1 colony, Jessica Price falsely reported dead in news

2216-02-10: NEA726 vanishes, Richard Price officially declared dead

2216-02-20: Jessica Price becomes the president and CEO of Crest Corporation

2216-03-16: Crest Corporation announces new public space travel division

2216-05-09: The NAU officially lifts the ban on unauthorized space travel

2216-06-15: Global anti-terrorism coalition publicly announces defeat of the HMA

2216-07-21: Atlas is hired as the head of security at the Price Mansion

2216-07-28: Kel Grundig is hired by Crest Corporation, R&D Division

2216-09-15: Crest Corporation reveals new nano-technology life extension treatments

2217-06-02: The Wedding of Jessica Price and Atlas

2217-06-23: Firewall creates task force to monitor for signs of an adept resurgence

2217-07-01: Jax arrives on Earth as an observer for Firewall.

2218-04-14: The beginning of Chrome Symphony: Episode III events.

This is all probably very unnecessary and perhaps an indicator of an unhealthy obsession with detail, but here you go.

(This post was edited 9 years ago on Thursday, April 14th, 2016 at 4:20 pm)

73's, KD8FUD

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