Thread  RSS So, I've started studying for my ham license.

# 15889 6 years ago on Mon, Jul 29 2019 at 5:56 pm

Congratulations, Wolfwood!

My uncle has a radio license. He mostly talks on an old shortwave.

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# 15950 5 years ago on Sun, Nov 17 2019 at 7:54 am

On Monday, July 29th, 2019 at 10:56 pm, Miroku said:

Congratulations, Wolfwood!

My uncle has a radio license. He mostly talks on an old shortwave.

That's cool, Miroku. I've listened a lot but there's not much on the FM bands. Shortwave has a lot of chatter so I listen to that in the background when doing other things in the evening.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 16071 4 years ago on Sun, Jan 3 2021 at 12:19 pm

After more than a year, here's an update:

I have a technician license but haven't been too active on the radio. It seems all of the activity is on the shortwave bands, so I'm going to study for a general and then extra class license. Mostly listening, really, though an upgraded license isn't needed for that.

There's something about radio that feels nice because it's kind of "separate" from the Internet. It's like a throwback to another time. Now I can't give out my call sign because it's directly tied to my address and real name.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

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