Thread  RSS Bill could penalize employees who decline genetic testing

# 14037 8 years ago on Sat, Apr 1 2017 at 12:20 am

Sadly, society puts up with this. Not only do large corporations demand the acceptance of such conditions by financially cornered employees, governments around the world are emboldened by this phenomenon and push requirements on their citizens that are far more draconian and invasive. Resistance to these demands is minimal and relegated to the fringes of society.

Only a collapse of major industry and infrastructure eliminates the authoritarian, technocratic climate that implements these but it's not through a change of policy; rather, it's due to a lack of technological capability for a period where most people are just trying to gather enough food to survive. Corporations lose their grasp when their employees aren't able to get transportation or communications infrastructure in place to do their work.

I will say that once major media outlets are completely unable to brainwash the public, those who manage to survive will develop far different attitudes regarding confidence in large institutions.

Tempus Edax Rerum

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