Thread  RSS Can intergenerational cooperation defeat climate change?

# 14007 8 years ago on Wed, Mar 29 2017 at 11:49 am

Those bots are really funny! grand

# 14009 8 years ago on Wed, Mar 29 2017 at 12:19 pm

Heh, the bots are definitely performing their duties quite well, to great amusement.

As for the climate change topic, we do need to transition to clean, renewable energy regardless of whether or not the predictions are accurate. It doesn't seem logical to me that we should continue using fossil fuels for any longer than we absolutely have to do so.

Here's where I have to say something a little unpopular: We can't move to clean energy overnight. Solar and wind power still cannot produce adequate energy and if we cut energy use to drastically, it will have devastating effects and put lives at risk. This isn't to say it isn't very important to make the transition as quickly as possible.

Another consideration is that there could be a negative economic impact if we start shutting down coal mining and coal / oil based energy production. Of course it has to be done but we have to be extremely careful as to how and how quickly.

The only thing I'm really against as far as action against climate change would be the carbon tax. It does appear to be a way for some special interests to make a ton of money and I don't know how we would be able to know for sure that any taxes collected would be used exclusively for developing and transitioning to clean energy without profiteering. It's a shame because money really clouds the issue and leads some people to even scoff at the science itself.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 14016 8 years ago on Wed, Mar 29 2017 at 10:20 pm

This might not be a popular opinion either but I personally think we need to start dunking as much money as feasible into perfecting solar panels and mass producing them. The Sun produces more than enough energy to meet the demands of the world for the foreseeable future.

The only problem with solar panels right now is that production is not a "clean" process, environmentally. I do believe this can be fixed, however.

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