Thread  RSS Well I guess?

# 14207 8 years ago on Fri, Jun 23 2017 at 1:59 pm

Really? I thought about it but I am not sure I could really do that? I mean these are converse , name brand and costly. The person actually bought the shoes and gave them to me to paint XD I would imagine it would be a lot of money to have to do these? the paint isn't costly considering I have most colors already in my house. The primer was a bit of money and the sealant as well . But the shoe alone ranges from 30 to 60 usd depending on if you are wanting the hightops or no. That would be a cost the buyer would have to take and then I would likely charge about 20 for my end of this since this is actually a good deal of work and I have already ruined 4 paint brushes thanks to the primer. I am not sure anybody would want to pay 50 to 80 for shoes?

# 14208 8 years ago on Fri, Jun 23 2017 at 6:05 pm

On Friday, June 23rd, 2017 at 6:59 pm, CrossoverQueen said:

Really? I thought about it but I am not sure I could really do that? I mean these are converse , name brand and costly.


But the shoe alone ranges from 30 to 60 usd depending on if you are wanting the hightops or no. That would be a cost the buyer would have to take and then I would likely charge about 20 for my end of this since this is actually a good deal of work and I have already ruined 4 paint brushes thanks to the primer. I am not sure anybody would want to pay 50 to 80 for shoes?

Taking your expenses into account and everything, I would think there's a good chance that there's a market for unique, hand-painted shoes. It would be a matter of marketing and reaching your target demographic. You might be able to make a good profit.

I've never sold physical products as a businessman (although I was encouraged by a friend to design unique playing cards but never pursued it) but one thing I've learned is that figuring out your market and fine tuning your product or service to meet demand is a big part of business. Honestly, I think there are lots of people out there that would pay a premium for a hand-painted shoe that doesn't have a mass-produced design. I'm sure you know this but the big thing would be to avoid using copyrighted designs and, for most municipalities, if you sell from any kind of inventory they make you get a retailer's license.

$80 for shoes? Heck, I know that people are willing to pay $200 for name brand athletic shoes (at least back when I was in school). $80 doesn't seem too outlandish if the design is really awesome.

Perhaps it would be cool to ask around on DeviantArt and see if anyone would be interested in buying some one-of-a-kind painted shoes.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 14212 8 years ago on Sat, Jun 24 2017 at 9:54 am

It would be hit and miss as far as marketing but I could see a demand for shoes like that.

The blue sky is infinitely high, crystal clear...that's what the world should be...a world of infinite possibilities, laid before us, crystal clear"

# 14216 8 years ago on Tue, Jun 27 2017 at 6:55 am

I would have to look into it but you know people are going to be asking for 'fan art' shoes. I am sure things would get to a very "um is this okay" area. Like I don't mind drawing fanart. I have done my fair share as gifts for my husband alone, but I don't think I can sell the stuff without breaking some kind of law there.

I have also been pulled into some else completely as I received and email from an online store recently. The want to put together a signature collection of clothes and house hold accessories ( pillows and wall art ) based around my art. I was really careful with this too, but they came up legit and even Cher has a signature collection with them. Sooooo I have been messing with that the last day or two.

I am still getting things in working order there and I am not pleased with their set up as I can't lower their prices any further and I feel like 50 dollars for a decorative pillow is a little bonkers. but here is the site if anybody wants to look at it and give me any pointers XD

# 14221 8 years ago on Wed, Jun 28 2017 at 7:22 pm

Hmmm. I'd stay away from doing any paid commissions of fan art. It's a gray area but it's best not to risk it. If you stick to original designs I'd say go for it, who knows?

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