Thread  RSS Busou Shinki

# 14599 16 years ago on Sat, Jul 18 2009 at 3:31 pm

Not sure if I've posted about this before but one of the things I've recently been collecting are the Busou Shinki figurine line by Konami.

They're based off of the AI controlled androids in Battle Rondo, though they've been featured in other manga. The full sets are completely painted, have interchangable weapons and other parts. The EX sets typically come without said extra interchangable parts and are mostly unpainted, being meant more for hobbyists.

One of the fun things with Busou Shinki is how poseable they are. They're quite articulated and useful as model references while drawing, for which I sometimes use them, amusingly enough.

They're about 15cm tall, so not overwhelmingly huge but big enough to allow for some nice detail. It also makes painting them a little less tedious if you're going for the EX models.

Though they're all basically girls in cool robot armor, there's no typical look, so to speak.

Although I'd have to warn that they can be quite expensive, given the fact that they have to be imported from Japan. I know the latest wave can cost, on average, about the equivalent of somewhere between $70 and $100 USD for the EX line.

I'd also be remiss not to mention the manga series. I think the next volume is supposed to be released later this month.

Anyway, basically these are really nice, detailed figurines if you're into this sort of thing.

# 14600 16 years ago on Sun, Jul 19 2009 at 6:07 am

Those are pretty interesting. From what I've seen, they're pretty detailed.

Doesn't "Shinki" mean robot in Japanese? I'm still trying to translate "Busou".

Anyway, pretty cool stuff.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 14601 16 years ago on Sun, Jul 19 2009 at 8:41 pm

So basically you're playing with dolls raspberry Hey, I won't judge wink I played with dolls well into my teenage years.

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# 14602 16 years ago on Mon, Jul 20 2009 at 11:16 am

Playing with dolls? Technically, yes, although not in the typical sense. STill, what can I say?

As for the name, "Busou Shinki" translates to "armament god princess". Not sure where you got the robot part of it. But yes, they are very detailed, which is part of their appeal. Also they're kind of like scale models of mecha (I believe they're supposed to be 1:1 scale models from Battle Rondo)

# 14603 16 years ago on Tue, Jul 21 2009 at 1:51 am

As for the name, "Busou Shinki" translates to "armament god princess".

Ah. I see. Well, that's a lot different than what I imagined.

Not sure where you got the robot part of it.

I got it from being a dumbass. raspberry

73's, KD8FUD

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