Thread  RSS CthulhuTech character art

# 14620 13 years ago on Fri, Sep 9 2011 at 3:17 pm
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As I promised, posting old-ish art.

So, I play a lot of tabletop games, though online so there's no table involved. One of them is CthulhuTech. Which has a funny system some people have problems with but it's overall a pretty good game. It's pretty much what happens when you take giant mecha, the guyver, and the Cthulhu mythos, mix them all up with a bit of scifi anime flavor, and don't get Demonbane as a result.

This is my character for a game using this system, in which we do things that the developers never intended, and make a bunch of Japanese schoolgirls into eldritch-horror henshin heroes (called tagers). Her name is Saya, and she's a near-complete idiot. She watches too much magical girl anime and idolizes the characters in it, and has concocted a delusion that now she is one. Even if her post-transformation form is some sort of seven foot tall inhuman monster. She makes up for it via cosplay when in human form. that outfit she's wearing is one she made herself.

Saya kinda lost the genetic lottery, in that she's got no pigmentation and is sickly to the point she'd be dead if not for fancy future-medicine and socialized health care. Her tager form is supposed to be an efreet, which is a humanoid mass of magma, rock, and fire. Obviously, this is a personal and very much altered design for one. ...I mean, pink lava? I couldn't render decent-looking pink flame, or there'd be that, too.

The game in which I'm playing her is almost over, and Saya's managed to remain shockingly sane. Oh, sure, she's a little worse for wear, but her friend's done a LOT worse. And this is despite violence, tentacle monsters, more violence, death, friendly Deep Ones, and so-on.

# 14621 13 years ago on Sat, Sep 10 2011 at 2:35 pm

Pretty design. I like the general setup of her armor but the neck on the mecha armor seems a little long.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 14622 13 years ago on Sun, Sep 11 2011 at 1:52 pm

The color scheme is really nice. I like the whole hot pink / black / touch of neon green idea.

Ok, I do have a critique if you want it. Otherwise, I'll just say it's pretty nice.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 14623 13 years ago on Mon, Sep 12 2011 at 1:09 pm

Eh, sure. A critique is fine. Not sure I'm going to be going back to make changes at this stage but I wouldn't mind hearing what might be off, etc.

# 14624 13 years ago on Tue, Sep 13 2011 at 12:27 pm

Well, this is a nitpick and it might just be my screwed-up perception (heck, I'm terrible with this myself) but her right arm's foreshortening just doesn't look quite right. I might sketch something to show what I mean but there's something making her right arm look just a bit too short in the non-mecha one.

Other that that, it's fantastic.

73's, KD8FUD

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