Thread  RSS Image file format

# 14717 16 years ago on Tue, Jul 28 2009 at 10:33 pm

High speed here and I wouldn't personally recommend .png files unless you optimize them somehow.

Web comics tend to be larger images, comparatively. I can't imagine what loading a .png file would do if someone's on metered bandwidth (like a satellite connection)

# 14718 16 years ago on Thu, Jul 30 2009 at 12:37 am

The question is: does anyone have a satellite ISP here?

That's usually for if you live out in the boonies.

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 14719 16 years ago on Fri, Jul 31 2009 at 2:42 am

If it makes the comics look better and it's something less than 1 meg, my guess is that it would be an improvement - but I don't really notice the images as-is looking too degraded.

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